Welcome to Our Blog Spot
The American Academy of Mental Health presents you with our blog spot. Here we will blog on various mental health topics that are informative for personal use and to put into practice. We also will post integrative mental health spotlights from recipes to a movement practice that will better your mental well being. We will work to create a new post on a weekly basis. I hope you tune in and take something away from our blog. Happy Reading! Check out courses HERE.

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Self-Care for Students
August 3, 2023
We are now in the month of August, which means many schools are starting back up or will shortly in the month of September. It is important as a student to make sure you are taking time out of your busy schedules to practice healthy self-care.
Creating a routine and a schedule can be really helpful to reduce stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed. Practicing great sleep hygiene can really help you feel your best.Sleep deprivation can create greater symptoms of anxiety and depression. Also keeping some sort of planner to write down activities, assignments, appointments, and any other important things you may need to remember in one place. This can really help with organizing your life and keeping a routine.
Dedicate some of your time to do a hobby or activity you enjoy. It is important to continue to do activities you find pleasure in so you don’t start to feel burned out. If you are a college student, see if you can join a club on campus that is in something you enjoy or a new hobby you want to learn more about. This is also a great way to meet peers that have similar interests as you do.
Going for a walk, practicing yoga and meditation or practicing some form of exercise is a great way to boost your mood and energy. It will also help to manage your stress and your feelings of anxiety and depression. If you take even 30-minutes out of your busy schedule each day to get out and move, you will feel so much better.
Taking care of your nutrition will also help you manage your stress. It can be so tempting and easy to buy fast food or go for junk food options when you have a lot of studying to do. Find alternative snacks and meals that are more beneficial for your mind and body. You can also take time to research healthy options and alternatives at your favorite fast food places. When you start to eat better and more nutritious foods, you will feel the difference. If you are interested in ways your nutritional needs can be met or even different ways to get moving that benefit your mental health take one of my integrative mental health courses or have a consultation with me to create your own plan.
Take time out of your day to practice mindfulness, meditation, gratitude, or affirmations. Putting some or all of these into your daily routine will help you change your mindset and help to relax your mind and body.
Also do mental check-ons to see how you are feeling and if you feel that you need more support seek mental health services or talk to your support system around you. Having a great support system will help you on your educational journey. Many schools provide therapy and counseling sessions. Research what is available at your school and don’t be afraid to seek these services.
Overall, make sure you take time to enjoy the journey. Focus on the present and try not to worry too much about the future. You will only be at this time and place once in your life so take it in and enjoy it.
Blog Spot
Tips for Coping with OCD
July 31, 2023
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is categorized as an anxiety disorder. Just over 2% of Americans have OCD. OCD is when you have obsessions and compulsions or you struggle with just obsessions or just compulsions. The Mayo Clinic defines obsessions as “repeated, persistent, and unwanted thoughts, urges, that are intrusive and cause distress and anxiety. Mayo Clinic defines compulsions as repetitive behaviors you feel driven to perform.These are usually done to help reduce anxiety that is related to the obsessions.
Mindfulness Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (MCBT) is a therapy practice that is used to change your thought process and has been found to be very successful in managing symptoms for those who have OCD. Journaling has been found to be helpful to manage symptoms. You can keep a journal and write down the thoughts you are having and take time to reflect on these thoughts. This can also help you to identify intrusive thoughts. Be careful to not allow journaling to become an obsession or you becoming too self consumed in your intrusive thoughts.
Exercise is also a great way to manage your OCD. A 2017 study found that aerobic exercise done with other OCD treatments like MCBT, found to drastically reduce OCD symptoms and other symptoms of anxiety and depression.
While becoming aware of your OCD symptoms and the obsessions and compulsions that are associated with that, work on slowly cutting back on the compulsions. If you have to turn on and off the light switch 8 times, try cutting it back to 6 times and work to decrease the number of times you need to do something. The same could be said for rituals you may have the urge to perform. If you feel the urge to wash your hands after touching something and do this immediately. Work to delay the time it takes for you to wash your hands.
Another thing that can help with these intrusive thoughts and compulsions is practice meditation, mindfulness, and breathing exercises. When you relax your mind and practice bringing on an inner peace and calm, this can help to reduce OCD symptoms. Also, work with your therapist or other mental health professional to come up with a plan and interventions that will help you manage your specific symptoms the best.
Mayo Clinic (2023). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Retrieved 7/25/2023 from Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic

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Turmeric Chicken Recipe
July 27, 2023
Start incorporating turmeric into your diet. Turmeric has been found to have a variety of mental health benefits. From increase in cognitive function, to increase in positive mood, and a reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant. It is said that if you add a little bit of black pepper with turmeric it will absorb better in the food. You can add tumeric to soups, to veggies, and really anything else. I found a great honey turmeric chicken recipe that I will provide below. Honey is another great food that has amazing benefits for your mental health. If you scroll down in the blog, I have posted an earlier article on the benefits of honey.
4 boneless chicken thighs with skin
2 cloves minced garlic
11/2 Tablespoons honey
1 Tablespoon of oyster sauce or soy sauce
¾ Turmeric powder
1 pinch cayenne pepper
1 pinch salt
1 Tablespoon oil
- Add the garlic, honey, soy or oyster sauce, turmeric powder, cayenne pepper and salt to the chicken and stir to combine
- Heat the skillet over medium heat and add the oil. Place the chicken in the skillet and cook on both sides until golden brown, and the glaze is browned on the skin. You also want a nice crisp on the edges.
- Dish and serve
Blog Spot
How to Cope with a Mental Health Diagnosis

July 24, 2023
If you recently have been diagnosed with a mental health related diagnosis it can be hard to process for both you and your loved ones. With the stigmas and labels that surround the world of mental health, this kind of diagnosis could be life changing and hard to process for many. If you are the one receiving the diagnosis you may feel a rollercoaster of emotions, which is completely normal. You may feel angry or sad or you could feel a sense of relief or understanding since now a name has been added to the symptoms you may have been feeling for some time and now you are able to work on moving forward. Healthy coping mechanisms are important through this phase. If you scroll down to an earlier blog, I go into detail on what are some health coping mechanisms.
It also is important for both you and your loved ones to be educated on your diagnosis. Talk to your care team about what you have been diagnosed with. They may even offer you educational resources to research and read on your own time. You also can do a lot of research on the internet like on the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the American Psychiatric Association, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSA) or Mayo Clinic are just a few great places to start your research. You also should look into what treatment options are the most effective for your diagnosis.
After a diagnosis make sure to get support for yourself. Talk to loved ones, others who may have the same diagnosis as you, and join support groups. Not only are their support groups for the person with the diagnosis, but there are for family and loved ones as well. NAMI offers a Family-to-Family support group that is 12-weeks long. It is an evidence-based educational program for family and friends of the diagnosed person. There also is a NAMI Family Support Group that is a peer-led support group taught by trained family members that have been through the same thing you, as a loved one may be going through.
SAMSA also has a national helpline that you can use as a resource. It is open 24/7, 365-days a year. This hotline gives treatment referrals and just information overall about mental health and substance abuse. The number is 1-800-662-4357 or TTY 1-800-487-4889. There also is an option to text your zip code to 435748 and you will be able to get information for resources in your area. The languages currently available for SAMSA are English and Spanish.
If you are someone experiencing thoughts of suicide and feel you may act on those thoughts, reach out to the suicide hotline either by phone or text at the number 988 or call 911 if it is an emergency. Also look in your area to see if your county or city has a mobile crisis unit. Many places are starting to form these crisis emergency mobile units that have mental health professionals available to come to your home if you or a loved one is experiencing a crisis.
While you are on this journey of mental wellness, work with your doctor and therapist to come up with a plan that works best for you and you will be the most successful with. Involve your support systems in your treatment journey. The more support, the better! Also, know that you are not alone in all of this, 1 in 5 Americans have some sort of mental health diagnosis. Remember that this can be a lifetime journey of mental wellness, you will have both good and bad days and may not always feel easy, but know there are many ways to feel better and get the help you need. Adding a form of exercise or movement to your daily routine can help to reduce mental health symptoms, along with your daily diet. If you are interested in learning more about this, take one of our Integrative Mental Health courses or meet with me for a consultation. Also, check out the resources that I listed above. You can find the websites in the reference section.
National Alliance of Mental Illness (2023). Homepage. Retrieved 7/20/2023 from https://nami-wake.org/
American Psychiatric Association (2023) Homepage. Retrieved 7/20/2023 from https://www.psychiatry.org/
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2023). Homepage. Retrieved 7/20/2023 from https://www.samhsa.gov/
Mental Health America (2023). After a Diagnosis. Retrieved 7/20/2023 from https://mhanational.org/after-diagnosis
Blog Spot
What is Schizophrenia?
July 20, 2023
Today’s post is going to highlight schizophrenia. Schizophrenia according to the American Psychiatric Association is “Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder that affects less than one percent of the U.S. population. When schizophrenia is active, symptoms can include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, trouble with thinking and lack of motivation.”
Onset of schizophrenia occurs in the 20s to early 30s on average. There is an early onset of schizophrenia that can occur in adolescents. On average, men start to have onset of schizophrenia symptoms earlier than women do.
There are three main categories of schizophrenia symptoms. They are psychotic, negative, and cognitive. The psychotic symptoms that appear are in the form of hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder, and movement disorder. Many people do not understand the difference between delusions and hallucinations. Hallucinations which are described as things a person sees, hears, and tastes that are not there (National Institute of Mental Health). Delusions are when a person has strong beliefs that are not factual or that are not rational to others. Thought Disorder is when a person has an issue organizing their thoughts. They also may have a different way of thinking than others. Like thought disorder, Movement Disorder is when a person has unique or abnormal movements then the average person. The person may not participate in social activities. They may have a hard time showing emotions and may have a loss of interest in activities. The last set of symptoms falls under cognitive. This occurs in everyday brain functioning. A person may have a difficult time processing information, along with becoming forgetful of daily tasks and appointments. There may be issues with concentration and attention span as well.
There is a holistic approach to treatment through antipsychotic medications, psychosocial treatment, education and support. In terms of psychosocial interventions in the treatment of schizophrenia , psychotherapy using cognitive behavioral therapy, and behavioral skills are some of the more successful treatment options. It also is important that the person with the diagnosis receives support from family and friends.
Negative symptoms are what appear when a person experiencing schizophrenia withdraws from their normal, daily activities. It is important that resources and education is provided to these support groups on ways to support the individual, to coping skills for their own experiences with this diagnosis. There also is specific community based programs for individuals facing this diagnosis that they can utilize and be a part of to help manage their symptoms and treatment.
American Psychiatric Association (2023). What is Schizophrenia? Retrieved 7/13/2023 from Psychiatry.org – What is Schizophrenia?
National Institute of Mental Health (2023). Schizophrenia. Retrieved 7/3/2023 from NIMH » Schizophrenia (nih.gov)

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Boundary Setting & How it Benefits Your Mental Health
July 17, 2023
Boundary setting is so important to maintaining a healthy mindset. At times boundary setting can be difficult for many of us to do. We tend to over book ourselves into so many different obligations and then feel burnt out among other things.
Setting boundaries helps to boost self-esteem and self-confidence. Boundaries help to develop mental and emotional well-being along with mental independence. It also helps you to not feel burnt out. Setting boundaries also helps everyone in your life know what you do and do not tolerate. It creates clear communication with people in your life.
When setting boundaries it is important to be comfortable saying no. You can outright say no or say that you are unable to make it or whatever you feel fits with that situation. Make sure to follow through with what you say. Make sure to not make exceptions to your boundaries unless you really put some thought into it. As I stated earlier, communication is important to keeping boundaries. When you communicate your thoughts and feelings people will know how you are feeling, which will help them to respect your boundaries. When you are communicating your feelings and boundaries it is important to be assertive. Using “I” statements like “I feel ___when you do ___”. You also need to safeguard your space. Keep different spaces of yours sacred to yourself. Only invite certain people to your private space. If you need further support on setting boundaries seek professional help with a mental health clinician.
Owen, M (2023). Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries. Retrieved 6/29/2023 from https://nami-wake.org/creating-and-maintaining-healthy-boundaries/#:~:text=Setting%20and%20maintaining%20boundaries%20will,in%20a%20better%20mental%20state.&text=With%20emotional%20and%20physical%20boundaries,help%20bolster%20your%20self%2Desteem.
Brennan, D (2021, October 25). Setting boundaries. Retrieved 6/29/2023 from https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/setting-boundaries
Blog Spot
Improving Self-Esteem
July 13, 2023
In the world of social media, constant human interaction and influence it can be hard to maintain a high self-esteem. There are various ways that you can work on improving your self-esteem. One of the first things you should do is identify what is the cause of your low self esteem. Is it work, a significant other? Was it caused by a life event? Now once that is identified, work on identifying the triggering thoughts you have around that situation. Identify if the thoughts are truthful or something you are thinking to yourself but are not based in fact. Now start to combat negative thinking. Try not to allow negative self-talk. Limit the negative thoughts you are thinking about yourself at any moment. Are you filtering your thoughts to only focus on the negative? If so, work on reducing that type of thinking. Are you masking feelings or placing feelings in place of facts? If you see yourself doing this, start to focus on the actual facts and try to set feelings to the side. You should also work on not jumping to negative conclusions or think every outcome is going to end up bad.
When having negative self-talk or negative thought processes, start to focus on what the positives are in the situation. Become your biggest cheerleader. Encourage yourself and celebrate your successes and that does not have to be something huge, it can be that you did not engage in any negative self talk that day. This also comes along with the practice of forgiveness. Forgive yourself for mistakes you have made and things you may feel guilty about. Show yourself compassion, many of us can be our harshest critic.
Another important practice on your mental health journey is taking the words of ‘should’ and ‘must’ out of your vocabulary. These words set expectations in your mind, and if they are not achieved or done so in a timeline you may start to feel negative about yourself. I also think it is important to not rely so heavily on timelines. Yes it is important to set goals and obviously in professional life you need deadlines when things need to be done, but in your personal life or even goal setting, try not to be so harsh on yourself if something does not go as planned or in this time frame you created.
Starting your day with positive affirmations is one way that you can start to increase your self esteem and overall mood. If you place these affirmations on your mirror or get a daily affirmation app on your phone that you check when you wake up and read aloud the affirmations. Studies have shown that your first 30-minutes of waking up and the content or thoughts you have within that time frame are the most influential on your mood and thought content for the day. Also getting enough sleep and maintaining a healthy diet can have large effects on our mood and self esteem. To learn more about this, check out my Integrative Mental Health courses. These take a deep dive on how diet is affecting your mental health and wellbeing. This also goes hand and hand with being active. Even taking a walk during the day can boost your mood, which in turn boosts your self confidence.
When building your self esteem it is also important to focus on your personal strengths. Focusing on your strengths and growing them can boost your confidence levels and you see what you are good at. Each one of us has a special set of skills that others may not have.Also learn to take compliments. Many of us have been taught to stay humble or set aside compliments that others give us. It is important to acknowledge and accept this feedback from others. Allowing yourself to get compliments will boost your self esteem.
Another practice that can help with a self esteem boost is to keep a positivity journal. At the end of your day, take time and reflect on how your day went. Only focus on the positives of that day. This practice will help your mind reflect on the positive things. I hope this has helped you work on boosting your self esteem.
Mayo Clinic (2022, July 6). Self-esteem: Take steps to feel better about yourself. Retrieved 6/26/2023 from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/self-esteem/art-20045374

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Benefits of Mental Health Days

July 10, 2023
In recent years mental health days have become a topic of conversation and some workplaces have implemented this practice into their work environment. Mental health days are important practice for when you are feeling burnt out, tired, sick, irritable, and you just needing time to unwind and unplug.
Mental Health days are a day here and there that you take to recharge and get a break from your day to day responsibilities, especially in the workplace. There are many benefits to taking a mental health day. One of them is to decrease burnout. Our busy lives and responsibilities can take a toll on our mental health. A mental health day can provide you time to take care of yourself and your needs. Mental health days can improve your attitude and overall morale. This is because you are focused on things that bring you joy. Taking a mental health day can also teach you boundaries. You are able to know when you are reaching a point of overwhelming stress and burnout. You find ways to cope with all of this and know when you are at your limit.
Mental health days also help to reduce loneliness and build better relationships. If you take time to spend some of your mental health day with loved ones or people you have not had other time to connect with you will feel a connectedness and support. Mental health days can also help to reduce potential mental health crises that could occur if a person is pushed too far or provided time for self-care. It can also make a person more present in their work or daily lives when they occasionally take a day for mental health. When taking mental health days, it can help with a reduction in stress. With this reduction in stress it will help your overall physical health to be better.
When taking a mental health day make sure you unplug from your phone and computer. Take time to practice mindfulness and be present. Take time to do hobbies or other activities you enjoy. You can really make the day about whatever promotes self-care and mental wellbeing. There are a variety of ways you can do this. Make sure every once in a while to mentally check in with yourself and take a mental health day!
Theisen, A (2021, December 8). Recharge with a planned mental health day. Retrieved 6/20/2023 from Recharge with a mental health day – Mayo Clinic Health System
Blog Spot

Mental Independence
July 3, 2023
As we are in the week of Independence day, I thought it would be important to discuss mental independence. Mental indepence is the process of really becoming who you are, it is getting rid of labels and expectations that people and society place on you. It is about freeing your mind to be the most authentic version of yourself. Mental independence is a state of being empowered within your mind and your thoughts. One important thing to remember when becoming mentally independent is your self-talk. Having beneficial self-talk and thoughts about yourself is important to start to build the foundation to being mentally free. Within mental independence comes emotional independence.
To become emotionally independent, you have to start practicing mindfulness. When you are within the moment, you can learn to be in a calm state of mind. Practicing affirmations will help you to become emotionally and mentally independent. When you stop questioning who you are or what you are capable of, and start telling yourself positive affirmations, it will change your thought pattern over time. Another important thing to do is show yourself compassion and grace. It is okay to not be okay. If you are feeling sad, acknowledge that and do not judge yourself or be upset that you are having an off day. It is also important to work on letting things go. If you sit and dwell on things in your mind or focus on something from the past, your mind is trapped in that moment. If you can learn to let things go, you will be able to become mentally independent. Don’t let the past have power on how you are feeling today.
Blog Spot
Animal Companionship & the Benefits to Mental Health
June 29, 2023
If you are an animal lover, you are going to enjoy this posting. I, myself, am a dog owner. I also have had a few guinea pigs throughout my life. I have always found comfort in owning pets. I wanted to look into the Mental Health benefits of animal companionship.
As of 2023, 66% of U.S. households own a pet (Menga & Tilford, 2023). There has been a significant increase in pet ownership in the U.S. The millennial generation has the highest rate of pet ownership. This pet ownership has been found to have a lot of benefits, in the opinion of some doctors, the benefits outweigh the negatives.
Studies have shown that interacting with animals reduces cortisol levels in your body. Cortisol is the stress hormone. Animals have been found to reduce loneliness and increase feelings of social support and boost your mood (Wein, 2018). Pets have also been found to reduce blood pressure. Studies have also shown that pets reduce anxiety more than recreational activities.
There have been various studies conducted with children. Children with ADHD were introduced to dogs in the classroom. Children exposed to the dogs had better concentration levels. Another study was done with children that have autism. They were exposed to guinea pigs for ten minutes and their anxiety levels dropped (Wein, 2018).
Many find companionship with having a pet. They see a pet as a true friend or part of their family. This bond can be very beneficial for mental health. Having a pet also helps a person create responsibility within their lives, along with routines. Many pets require feeding at a certain time each day and other cares that need to be performed. These tasks can help focus a person and put them on a routine.
On the topic of routine, some pets require a walk or physical activity like a dog. Bringing your dog on a walk outside can boost your mood, promote better cardiovascular health, reduce stress, anxiety and depression and get you that daily activity. Dog owners are shown to have an increase in activity levels. Walking your dog can also be a form of mindfulness. When you are walking your dog you are focused on what your dog is doing, what is going on around you and you are present in the moment.
On the topic of pets, there are programs out there for individuals that are dealing with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are getting robotic pets to help manage symptoms and bring comfort and companionship. These dogs are robotic but are full of hair like material and act like a real pet, live pet. This form of animal assisted therapy has been shown to reduce agitation, anxiety, depression, improving pain management and reducing medication usage in this targeted group (Morioka, 2022). These pets are great for this population because they do not have to physically take care of the pets, but they gain the same benefits as a live pet, from aiding with loneliness to creating social connections.
Some things to keep in mind if you are thinking about getting a pet is that you or someone else in your household may be allergic to different types of pets. There is also a cost that is associated with pet ownership. From food, to pet supplies, and vet bills, they cannot always be cheap. Research what type of pet would be best for you or your loved ones and think of the preparation and sustainability of pet ownership prior to acquiring an animal companion. An alternative to pet ownership would be visiting your local pet shelter and seeing if you can volunteer or take a dog on a walk. Also, many cities have cat cafes that you can visit that have cats roaming around. There are alternative methods you can explore if pet ownership is not suitable for you.
Megna, M and Tilford, A (2023, April 10). Pet Ownership Statistics 2023. Retrieved 6/15/2023 from Pet Ownership Statistics and Facts in 2023 – Forbes Advisor
Wein, Harrison (2018, February). The Power of Pets. Retrieved 6/15/2023 from The Power of Pets | NIH News in Health
NAMI (2020). How Pets Can Help Us Maintain Mental Health. Retrieved 6/15/2023 from How Pets Can Help Us Maintain Mental Health – NAMI California
Patient. Why Walking your dog can boost your mental health. Retrieved 6/15/2023 from Why walking your dog can boost your mental health | Patient
American Psychiatric Association (2023, March 1). Americans note the overwhelming positive mental health impact of pets in a new poll. Retrieved 6/15/2023 from Psychiatry.org – Americans Note Overwhelming Positive Mental Health Impact of Their Pets in New Poll; Dogs and Cats
Morioka, L (2022, March 23). Robotic Pets bring real comfort and peace to people with Alzeheimer’s Disease and Dementia. Retrieved 6/15/2023 from Robotic pets bring real comfort and peace to people with Alzheimer’s and dementia – Blue Cross Blue Shield MN (bluecrossmn.com)

Blog Spot
Healthy Coping Mechanisms
June 26, 2023
There are both healthy (adaptive) and unhealthy (maladaptive) coping mechanisms that people use to deal with stress, grief, and everyday challenges in life. There are a variety of coping mechanisms that you can use to help handle stressful situations.
Deep breathing and breathing exercises are a great way to cope. One method to try is the 5,3,7 method of breathing. What you do is breathe in for 5 seconds, hold your breath for 3 seconds and exhale for 7 seconds. Repeat this until you are relaxed. A great method for deep breathing is taking a deep breath in through your nose filling your stomach with air. Breath out through your nose. Now place your hand on your chest and the other your stomach. When you breathe in you should feel the hand on your stomach rise and when you exhale you should feel the hand on your stomach lower. How you know you are doing this technique correctly is if the hand on your stomach moves more then the hand on your chest.
If something is triggering you, you can use the five sense method or the 5,4.3,2,1 method. These are both techniques of grounding. The five sense method is just naming one thing you see, hear, can taste, and feel. The 5,4,3,2,1 method is to better ground yourself by naming 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste.
Another way you can cope is by radical acceptance. Meaning accepting the situation or whatever you may be dealing with and not denying that it is happening. Also being aware of your emotions and how they affect your mental health. Also this awareness is important to know things that trigger you, along with what things calm you down. Positive self talk is also a great way to practice healthy coping skills. Focusing on the positives can really change your mood.
Other things that promote positive coping are doing things you enjoy. Find hobbies and activities that you enjoy. This could be listening to music or drawing. It could also be putting on a good movie or TV show you enjoy. Eating well and exercising also promotes healthy coping skills. Journaling is also a great way to promote healthy coping skills. There are so many great journal prompts in relation to whatever you may be feeling or dealing with at that moment.
Meditation or prayer is also a great tool to use when feeling stressed or overwhelmed. If you are struggling with healthy coping on your own, reach out to a support system or seek mental health counseling and therapy.
Blog Spot
Mental Illness that Peaks in the Summertime
June 22, 2023
Most of the time summer is linked to happiness and fun times, but we have to be aware that there are some mental illnesses that peak or are prevalent within the summertime months. One that is interesting is major depressive disorder with a seasonal pattern, better known as SAD. Now I wrote a blog about SAD so that you can read a more in-depth analysis of this disorder. SAD is usually associated with increased depression symptoms in the winter months. Summer SAD can trigger issues for individuals because in the summer months melatonin production tends to decrease due to increased sunlight. Meaning that a person may have issues with sleeping. With the sleep/wake cycle being thrown off by longer hours of daylight, individuals with SAD could suffer from insomnia. There has also been some research done that shows seasonal allergies and pollen can affect mood. Some of the symptoms of summer SAD are irritability, reduced appetite, weight loss, insomnia, agitation, restlessness, anxiety, or episodes of violent behavior (Gokbayrak, 2022).
On the topic of depression, some people that struggle with depression may feel an increase in symptoms when they see people out enjoying various events or activities and they are isolated or have to work and not be a part of the festivities of summer. There also could be an increase in anxiety due to missing out or not being involved in summer activities.
There have been studies that found ADHD in children and adolescents increases in the summertime. Many of the kids benefit from the structure of school and when that is not around, they may struggle. Some youth may also think they do not need to take their medications since they are not in school and needing to focus.
Another interesting thing that peaks in the summer months is adults that have bipolar disorder are more likely to experience mania in the summer months.
Some ways to combat symptoms that increase in the summertime is by getting out into nature and going on a walk or exercising. We have an earlier blog post that dives into the benefits of exercising outside. There are also a lot of outdoor activities that are available that you can get involved with in the warmer months.
To improve sleep in the summer is investing in black out curtains in your bedroom. These can help to block out the longer hours of sunlight that could wake you up prior to being fully rested. Also using air conditioning or a cool space while you sleep can lower stress levels, increase your mood and sleep quality.
Also maintaining a healthy diet and taking advantage of the wider variety of fresh food that is available during these months. If you need suggestions or help with this come see me for an Integrative Mental Health consultation or take my course on Mental Health and Nutrition. Another way to reduce stress and get better sleep is practicing meditation or yoga before going to bed. This can help relax your mind and body so you can get a deeper sleep.
Gokbayrak, M (2022, January 31). What to know about seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in summer. Retrieved 6/12/2023 from Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in summer: Causes, symptoms and more (medicalnewstoday.com)
Weaver, R (2012, April 30). Dealing with Mental Health issues during the summer. Retrieved 6/12/2023 from GoodTherapy | Dealing with Mental Health Issues During the Summer

Blog Spot
Healthy Summer Popsicles
June 19, 2023
The temperatures are heating up, which usually means you want a cool treat to cool you down. Why not make your own health popsicles at home? It will both save you money and be a healthier option for you. You first have to start out with getting popsicle molds. These can be found at the dollar store, to Wal-mart, or online. They are fairly affordable to purchase. Once you have the molds, it is time to create some yummy recipes. One fun option I came across was a Rainbow Popsicle recipe. This recipe is a bit complex, but the final result is very visually appealing.
To create the red layer you will need 1 frozen banana, ½ cup greek yogurt, ½ cup of frozen raspberries, ½ cup of frozen strawberries and water or liquid to blend.
For the orange layer you need 1 frozen banana, ½ cup of greek yogurt, ½ cup of frozen peaches, 1 small orange, ½ cup of frozen mango, and a water or liquid to blend.
For the yellow layer you will need 1 banana, ½ cup of greek yogurt, a handful of spinach, 1 cup frozen pineapple, and a water or liquid to blend.
The blue later needs 2 frozen bananas, ½ cup greek yogurt, 1 cup frozen pineapple, a drop or 2 of blue food coloring but for a healthier option add ½ cup of blueberries and water or a liquid to blend.
The purple layer needs 1 frozen banana, , ½ cup greek yogurt, 1 cup frozen mixed berries, and water or a liquid to blend.
The pink layer (which is the last) you need 1 frozen banana, ½ cup of greek yogurt, ½ cup of sliced canned beets and 1 cup of either strawberries or raspberries.
Now once you have these ingredients, for each color, blend the ingredients listed and pour a small amount in each mold. Repeat this step for each color and layer them within the molds. For better results and less color blending, use a spoon to put each layer into the mold. Pouring each layer may cause the colors all to blend together. Once the mold is full, place them in the freezer overnight. When you are ready to eat the popsicles, you can place the mold in warm water to loosen the popsicle so you can remove it from the mold.
Now that recipe is complex, a similar option that is also vegan is a coconut lime popsicle. For this recipe you need 14 ounces of canned coconut milk, 1 teaspoon of lime zest, 3 tablespoons of lime juice (preferably freshly squeezed, ⅓ cup of maple syrup or agave nectar, and ¼ teaspoon of salt but this is optional. Once you have all your ingredients, place them in the blender and mix them well. Once they are mixed pour them into your molds. Leave about ¼ of room on the top of the mold and freeze for at least 6 hours.
These are just two of many recipes that you can create for your molds. You can get creative with these recipes and have fun. I hope this inspires you to get creative with a nice, cool, summer treat for the summer.
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Trees: Natures’s Therapist?
By: Kayla Jackson
June 15, 2023

There’s a lot of information out there that talks about both the physical and mental health benefits of taking a walk outside. But did you know that it actually matters where you choose to take your walk.
The US Census found that in 2020, approximately 80% of the US population lives in urban areas, defined as, “densely developed residential, commercial, and other nonresidential areas.” (Bureau, 2023)
A 2018 study conducted in Japan compared the emotional and mental responses that occurred when individuals took a walk in both an urban setting and a forested/treed setting. The results were pretty surprising. “This study found that walking through forest areas decreased the negative moods of “depression-dejection”, “tension-anxiety”, “anger-hostility”, “fatigue”, and “confusion” and improved the participants’ positive mood of “vigor” compared with walking through city areas.” (Song et al., 2018) Additionally, “A significant correlation was found between participants’ trait anxiety levels and their changes in the “depression–dejection” subscale of POMS after walking through forest areas. Our data revealed that psychological responses can differ depending on a participant’s trait anxiety levels and that those participants with high-trait anxiety levels have a more effective reduction in the feeling of “depression–dejection” after walking through forest areas than participants with normal and low trait anxiety levels.” (Song et al., 2018)
As of 2011, the city with the most parks was determined to be Washington D.C. with approximately 24% of its land dedicated to public parks. (Claudio, 2022) Amongst the top ten cities in the US with access to parks are St. Paul, Minnesota; Arlington, Virginia; Cincinnati, Ohio; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Chicago, Illinois; San Fancisco, California; Irvine, California; Seattle, Washington; and New York City, New York. Additionally, San Francisco and Boston can boast that all of their residents live within a 10 minute walk from a park. (Claudio, 2022)
However, not all parks have trees – and that’s really the factor to focus on here. So what should you do if you don’t live close to a park with trees, or don’t have time to drive to the forest everytime you feel like you need to de-stress?
The National Library of Medicine published a 2015 study looking at the mental health benefits of interaction with houseplants and the impact that has on the sympathetic nervous system. “Our data support the notion that active interaction with indoor plants can have positive effects on human stress response mediated by cardiovascular activities. These physiological benefits may result from multiple natural stimuli acting on the senses of vision, hearing, touch, and smell; this effect is also seen in forest therapy research… Our results suggest that active interaction with indoor plants can reduce physiological and psychological stress compared with mental work. This is accomplished through suppression of sympathetic nervous system activity and diastolic blood pressure and promotion of comfortable, soothed, and natural feelings.” (Lee et al., 2015)
So even if you cannot find trees nearby, or don’t have the time to make it to the mountains as often as you would like, investing in some house plants that you can spend time propagating, pruning, or shaping throughout the weeks may be a good middle ground. You should definitely still make plans to find yourself some trees this summer, but until you can find a good forest path to walk, picking up some seeds or getting a few houseplant cuttings from your friends or local restaurant may be worth dedicating some time to.
Bureau, U. C. (2023, March 21). Nation’s urban and rural populations shift following 2020 census. Census.gov. https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2022/urban-rural-populations.html#:~:text=Despite%20the%20increase%20in%20the,down%20from%2080.7%25%20in%202010
Claudio, A. (2022, May 4). The US cities with the largest park systems. Route Fifty. https://www.route-fifty.com/public-safety/2022/05/us-cities-largest-park-systems/366509/
Lee, M. S., Lee, J., Park, B. J., & Miyazaki, Y. (2015). Interaction with indoor plants may reduce psychological and physiological stress by suppressing autonomic nervous system activity in young adults: a randomized crossover study. Journal of physiological anthropology, 34(1), 21. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40101-015-0060-8
Song, C., Ikei, H., Park, B.-J., Lee, J., Kagawa, T., & Miyazaki, Y. (2018). Psychological Benefits of Walking through Forest Areas. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(12), 2804. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15122804
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Mental Health Resources for Undocumented Immigrants
June 12, 2023
As we all have seen, especially in the last few years, there has been a crisis at the southern border of the United States. The American Academy of Mental Health is located in Texas. I know we have a network that is global, but I thought I would take a little time to focus on the Southwest region of the United States. With the border crisis worsening recently, I started to wonder how all this is affecting the mental health of those seeking asylum and a new life in the United States. Many of these migrants are victimized and exploited on their journey to the southern border. I found different mental health resources that undocumented individuals can use, along with resources for providers or allies to these migrants that can better serve their mental health needs.
One organization known as UndocHealth Initiative is an advocacy group that provides mental health toolkits to undocumented individuals. They also have various resources for DACA and other relevant resources people can use. Their website also provides a list of mental health providers in various states that will work with undocumented individuals and provide them mental health services. The link to their website is
Unicef is a humanitarian organization that works with children and adolescents on a global scale that are disadvantaged. Unicef provides a mental health and psychosocial guide for families at the U.S.-Mexican border. This guide is for social workers and other mental health providers that are caring for the mental health and psychosocial needs of these families. You can find this information at
The Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network provides resources to support the mental health needs of refugees and asylum seekers. There is a variety of resources to help guide someone in the right direction on providing these mental health services to this population. The link to their website is
Another great resource that provides a list of resources for undocumented immigrants is USAHello. One of the resources that this website highlights is Immigrants Rising. This program provides resources to connect undocumented immigrants with free and culturally specific mental health care. This specific service is limited to California. You can find this resources at https://immigrantsrising.org/mental-health-connector/
Another great resource that was highlighted on USAHello was inreach. Inreach is an organization that focuses on the LGBTQ+ community and LGBTQ+ undocumented communities. They provide free services and resources. There website is https://inreach.org/mission/
The USAHello resources is found at https://usahello.org/health/mental-health/help-and-services/#gref
Focusing on Texas, I found a great resource for the Houston area with a list of clinics and services that are free and available to undocumented immigrants. You can check that out here https://usahello.org/health/mental-health/help-and-services/#gref
Another great resource I will mention in this post is the Coalition for Immigrant Mental Health. This website also provides free or reduced priced services for immigrant and undocumented populations. The website is https://ourcimh.org/mh-resources
I hope that this list offers some ideas of places to start if you or someone you know needs access to mental health resources as an undocumented immigrant. It also provides better resources as a provider or an ally to help aid in a person’s healing journey.

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How is Lavender Beneficial to Mental Health?
June 8th, 2023
In my opinion, lavender has to be one of, if not, the most popular essential oil that is available for our use. Now how does lavender benefit our mental health? Lavender is found across the globe in over 30 different types of species. It has a long history of medical use, along with a scent for perfumes, soaps, and room sprays. Throughout history lavender has been known to be anticonvulsant, meaning it helps reduce epileptic seizures. It also has been seen as an antidepressant, along with antianxiety, a sedative, and possesses calming properties.
There have been a variety of short term exposure to lavender observations and studies conducted. One of the studies conducted on rats with a 7-day exposure to lavender showed a significant decrease in both anxiety and depression symptoms. Further studies suggested that the use of lavender oil in rats had a similar result to rats on diazepam. Diazepam is a prescription medication used to treat anxiety, seizures, and muscle spasms. Studies on mice with the animal model of Alzheimer’s disease that were administered lavender found it reversed spatial learning deficits that were brought on from Alzheimer’s. What this means is that when lavender was introduced with consistent exposure to lavender, the abilities to learn and comprehend their environments increased.
Human trials with lavender use have shown consistent results to the animal trials. In one study of 221 people, the individuals who received lavender exposures versus a placebo had a reduction in anxiety. There were improvements in restlessness, sleep, and other overall complaints. Individuals also felt an improvement in quality of life and their overall well being. There have been some studies in various in-patient populations in ICU to neurology patients that have received aromatherapy treatments with lavender, tea tree oil and rosemary were found to have an increase in mood and a reduction in psychological distress.
There have been studies with brain wave activity when lavender is being inhaled. Both the theta (4-8 Hz), which are brain waves used for creativity, daydreaming, memories, emotions, and sensations and alpha (8-13 Hz) which are brain waves used to create calmness, enhance creativity, and ability to absorb new information, were significantly increased in all brain regions. This all occurred from a 10% concentration of lavender inhalation. This same study showed an overall relaxing effect on the brain.
Due to this relaxing effect, lavender is found to help with sleep. In a sleep study using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, participants came in with a sleep score of 5 or more. Using 6 to 8 drops of lavender each night in a diffuser improved participants’ scores by 2.5 points. Other sleep studies have shown that lavender will increase wakefulness throughout the day and provide a quality sleep throughout the night.
Lavender has also been shown to be effective in chronic pain and overall pain treatment. Individuals struggling with chronic pain through oil absorption through the skin. Lavender has been shown to reduce blood pressure, heart rate, pain, and respiratory rate. Another study was conducted on women in childbirth. These women were provided aromatherapy through an oxygen face mask. The participants received two drops of 2% lavender oil in the mask. This was shown to reduce the demand for opioids in many of the participants.
As I briefly mentioned earlier, the use of lavender is beneficial for cognitive functioning. In dementia patients, a study was conducted where they used lemon and rosemary essential oils in the morning and lavender and orange essential oils in the evening. This showed a significant improvement in their personal orientation and cognitive functioning. Another study looked at mathematical and letter counting tests. Those exposed to lavender oil made fewer mistakes. Lavender has also been shown to be effective in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. Those who used lavender oil regularly found an increase in quality of life and overall mental health.There also has been information that lavender can help reduce colic in infants.
There are a variety of ways you can add lavender into your daily life. You can consume it, use it in a diffuser, bath salts, lotions, body washes, perfumes or as an oil for skin absorption and inhalation. They also make supplements or capsules of lavender you can consume. There are also room sprays and linen sprays that can be used to spritz your bedding before you sleep with lavender.
When using lavender or other herbal based products, make sure to talk to your doctor about any potential issues that could arise for using lavender. You may also have an allergy to lavender since it is a plant based product. Also use caution if consuming lavender and make sure it is a lower concentration level. Also be cognisant of the fact that lavender scent could be triggering for some people, so keep that in mind if you want to offer lavender scented things to others.
I hope this has inspired you to start incorporating lavender into your daily routine.
Koulivand, P, Ghadiri, M, and Gorji, A (2013, March 14). Lavender and the Nervous System. Retrieved 6/7/2023 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3612440/

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Strawberry Salad Recipe

June 5th, 2023
I wanted to provide you with a healthy strawberry recipe! June is strawberry season and a nice salad in the hot summer sun helps you feel nourished and satisfied. This salad also helps you get your daily recommended amount of leafy greens for your mental health. If you want to learn more about why leafy greens and even strawberries are so beneficial for mental health, check out my courses on Integrative Mental Health and Nutrition.
16 oz of Spinach & Mixed Greens
16 oz of Fresh Strawberries with the stems removed
½ cup of Olive Oil
⅓ cup of Balsamic Vinegar
2 teaspoons Maple Syrup
1 teaspoon of Dijon Mustard
Salt/Pepper to taste
½ cup of Feta Cheese
½ cup of Chopped Pecans
8 oz of Chopped Apple Slices
8 oz of Blueberries
1 cup of cooked Chicken Breast stripes or chunks or shrimp
- Whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, balsamic vinegar, dijon mustard, salt and pepper until it is combined
- Combine the greens, strawberries, and optional toppings and toss them until they are combined. Then serve with the dressing above.
If you feel that this salad needs a little more protein to it, add some cut up chicken breast slices or cubes, you could even add some cooked shrimp if you are looking to add something more. I have also had some good versions of this salad with adding in apple slices or blueberries. Really make it your own. I hope this recipe gives you something new to try for the hot summer months! It also is full of benefits for your mental health and overall wellbeing. I hope you enjoy!

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Is drinking Apple Cider Vinegar or Aloe Vera Beneficial for your Mental Health?
June 1, 2023
Lately it is popular for people to start their day with drinking apple cider vinegar or aloe vera. I wanted to look into what research says about adding these types of healthy habits into your daily routine and is it worth it?
According to a study that looked at individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, adding apple cider vinegar, along with the Alzheimer medication Rivastigmine, and a flavonoid chrysin, showed a reduction in oxidized stress within the brain. The addition of apple cider vinegar also showed that it has high antioxidant potential. It is also shown that adding this to your daily diet can reduce the potential for neurodegenerative diseases (Tripathi, et al. 2020).
Apple cider vinegar is a natural probiotic and full of antioxidants that provide protection to your body’s cells. It also is a good source of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. It also helps to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It also helps with acid reflux, eczema, and having healthy hair (Benisek, 2022).
It should be noted that apple cider vinegar could interact with medications like insulin. Check with your doctor if you are taking medications to make sure it is safe to add apple cider vinegar to your diet. Apple cider vinegar should not be used if you have low potassium levels. This could make it worse. Apple cider vinegar also can cause nausea and vomiting (Cleveland Clinic, 2021).
Now switching gears to adding aloe vera to your diet. Typically people drink aloe vera within there day to gain the various benefits that aloe vera has to offer. Aloe vera is packed full of nutrients. It has vitaman c, vitman a, vitman e, beta-carotene, folic acid, calcium, and magnersium (Zelman, K, 2023).
As many people already know, aloe vera is known to aloe is very beneficial for your skin. It can be used to aid or heal a multitude of skin conditions. Now in the realm of mental health, aloe vera has been shown to help with gut health and regulating blood sugars. This in-turn helps with inflammation within the gut and body overall. There have also been studies that show that if you drink aloe vera juice it can aid in sleep. More research is needed to solidify these findings.
Tripathi, S, Kumari, U and Mazumder, P (2020, December). Ameliorative effects of apple cider vinegar on complications via regulation of oxidative stress markers. Retrieved 5/22/2023 from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33084094/
Benisek, A (2022, December 29). Apple Cider Vinegar. Retrieved 5/29/2023 from
Cleveland Clinic (2021, April 30). Exploring the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. Retrieved 5/29/2023 from
Res, I (2016). Study of sedative-hypnotic effects of aloe vera. L. Aqueous extract through behavorial evaluations and EEG recording in rats. Retrieved 5/31/2023 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4986106/
Griffen, R (2023, January 5). Uses for aloe vera. Retrieved 5/31/2023 from https://www.webmd.com/diet/supplement-guide-aloe-vera
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Happy Memorial Day!
Happy Memorial Day from the American Academy of Mental Health. If you have served in the arm forces or are currently serving, thank you for your service. Today is a day to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Today is also a great day to practice gratitude.
Gratitude is the practice of acknowledging what is good in our lives and showing thanks for whatever that may be. It is the practice of taking a moment to appreciate what we have around us and in our lives.
There are many ways you can put gratitude into practice. You can take time out of your day to reflect on what you are grateful for. Along with reflecting on where you are currently at and where you want to go. You can focus on what you do have in your life and not focus on what you do not have. Focus on the positive moments in your life. You can also reflect on things in your life that bring you value and joy. You can also take time to journal off of various gratitude prompts. Some that you can choose from are
- List three reasons you are excited about tomorrow.
- List five positive chances you have made in your life.
- What is your happiest childhood memory?
- List five compliments you can give someone.
- A person you are thankful for and why?
- A personality trait you love in yourself.
- What is something that brought you joy today?
These are just a few of the journal prompts that you could use in a gratitude journal. The benefits of practicing gratitude are lowering anxiety, it helps reduce stress, and reduces depression. There also is the benefit of improving your physical health and your sleep. Practicing gratitude also helps you become positive and optimistic. It helps you to see the glass half full versus empty. It also helps you be kinder to others and build better relationships. It also helps boost your self-esteem and overall mental health. I hope you take time out of your day today and show gratitude. Eventually maybe you can practice gratitude on a regular basis and make it part of your daily routine.

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Red, White, & Blue Charcuterie Board
With Memorial Day weekend right ahead of us, I thought it would be great to give some ideas that could be used at not only the holiday weekend gatherings, but for gatherings all summer long. Why not create a red, white, and blue charcuterie board. You can keep it healthy and fresh and very festive.
For the red areas of the board you can add fresh rasberries or dired, a long with cherries, watermelon, strawberries, or red grapes. You could also go for a veggie board that has red cherry tomatoes, red peppers, and raddishes.
For the white areas of the board you could put various white cheeses like swiss, mozzarella, brie, asiago, monterey jack, or havarti cheese to name a few. You also could place white chocolate covered pretzals or nuts. You could place mini marshmellos. For veggies you could add cauliflour or mushrooms. There is a variety of ways you can go with this.
For the blue areas of the board you can add blueberries, black berries, or black grapes. You could also add plum or acai. You could also add fig or raisins. You could also add blue cheese, since it has a hint of blue within it.
Whatever you do have fun with your charcuterie board and make it your own. You can set it up to look like an American Flag or just have the fun color patterens set up in a unique way. I hope this gave you a fun idea to try this holiday weekend, or throughout the summer!

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What Plants Should You Add to Your Home or Garden?
May 22, 2023
There are so many options for plants to have within our home either inside or outside. Now what are some options you can have around that may benefit your mental health? One is an herb that is used in cooking, but actually has mental health benefits. That is rosemary. Rosemary is great for purifying the air, along with helping depression symptoms. It is also said that rosemary helps to keep negative energy away. It also has been known to help with memory, reduce insomnia and fatigue.
A plant known to bring positivity and good luck is jasmine. This plant also is known to relieve stress and anxiety. Sage is also another great plant said to get rid of negative energy, reduce anxiety and anger. Sage is known to have a calming effect.
An Orchid is known to release oxygen at night. It also gives off a pleasant smell that creates a relaxed state for people. Orchids are also said to elevate a person’s mood. Lavender is also a great option to add to your home or garden. The scent alone helps alleviate stress levels. It aids in better sleep and overall relaxation.
Another great option for your home is a Snake Plant. These plants are said to give off a great amount of oxygen in the areas they are placed. They also act as an air purifier. Which will create a healthier environment for you. Due to these qualities, snake plants are a great plant for your bedroom and can help aid you in your sleep.
Overall, having plants in your home environment has been shown to reduce stress. Along with reducing anxiety and depression symptoms. It also can help spark a person’s creativity and productivity. It gives you a sense of responsibility to take care of these living organisms in your environment. I hope this gave you some ideas of plants you can add to your home.
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How Spring Gardening is Benefiting You
May 18, 2023
Since we are full on into the spring season, I thought I would talk about the benefits of gardening on your mental health. A lot of people enjoy gardening as a hobby to destress and be outside in the sunshine. Gardening has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Therapeutic horticulture is a method that has been used since the 19th century.
A study out of the University of Florida had female participants between the ages of 26 to 49 years old take a gardening class twice a week. They divided the group in half and had the other participants attended an art class. The results showed that participants had a decrease of stress, a long with a reduction in symptoms of anxiety and depression (Murray, 2022). The gardening group had lower stress then the participants in the art class.
Not only does gardening reduce stress it actually is a form of exercise. While working in the garden to weed or plant you are essentially preforming squats and lunges. You also may be carrying mulch or other garden materials, which works the same muscles you would at the gym lifting or doing strength training. You also rake, mow, and dig. These too are a form of physical activity.
You also are enjoying nature. The outdoors has healing componts to our body. While in your garden or in your yard, you could take time to ground yourself by walking around barefoot and becoming re-energized from the frequencies of the earth. If you look at earlier posts in our blog, I cover grounding in-depth. Being out in the garden also promotes fresh air. According to the Mayo Clinic, people tend to breath deeper when they are outside. This helps to clear out the lungs, improve digestion, improve blood oxygen levels, and improve peoples immune response (Wimmer, 2022). Time outdoors lowers your heart rate and releases body tension. You also absorb UVB rays from the sun to produce vitaman D. Just make sure to apply sunscreen to protect your skin.
Gardening can also promote a better diet. If you plant some fresh vegetables and fruit you will want to incorporate your harvest into your meals. It really promotes that essence of from farm to table. You also might expand your diet to other herbs, vegetables or fruits you may have not had before but wanted to expand your garden. This can increase the healthy nutriants you are getting from the plants you are growing.
Gardening can also bring a sense of accomplishment. If you grow something from a seed or a baby plant and see it grow each day can bring satisfaction. Gardening also creates tasks for the gardener to accomplish each day. From watering to tending to the garden by weeding and harvesting, it creates a sense of meaning and dedication for a person.
These are just a few of the many benefits gardening brings to our mental health. Maybe this Spring and Summer you will get out and either try gardening for the first time or continue a hobby that you enjoy.
Wimmer, L (2022). Dig into the benefits of gardening. Retrieved 5/17/2023 from https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/dig-into-the-benefits-of-gardening#:~:text=It%27s%20been%20shown%20to%20lighten,soothing%20rhythm%20to%20ease%20stress.
Murray, S (2022, July 6). Gardening can cultivate better mental health. Retrieved 5/172023 from https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/news/2022/07/06/gardening-can-cultivate-better-mental-health/

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What is Stevia?

May 4, 2023
Stevia is a natural sweetener that is a great replacement for sugar and artificial sweeteners. Stevia is said to be 100 to 300 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia drives from leaves of a plant found in South America and Asia (Begum, 2022). This plant is said to also have zero calories. They also do not contain carbohydrates.
Since Stevia does not contain carbohydrates, it is great to use as a person that is diabetic. Research has shown that Stevia has no effect on blood sugar levels or insulin (Nicolas, 2018). A study sowed that individuals that have Type 2 diabetes that consumed stevia were shown to have lower blood sugar levels after their meal (Nicolas, 2018).
Stevia also has antioxidant compounds that have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer. Researchers have specifically looked at pancreatic cancer and found a compound in Stevia known as kaempferol. This has shown to reduce pancreatic cancer risk by 23% (Nicolas, 2018).
Due to stevia not being artificial or are typical sugar we find in most processed foods, it is found to be anti-inflammatory unlike other sweeteners. When a food is anti-inflammatory it is found to be beneficial for brain health and functioning. As well as overall functioning of the body.
When looking for safe formers of stevia on ingredient lists, look for Stevia, Stevia Extract In The Raw, SweetLeaf, Enliten, Steviacane, Rebiana, and PureVia.
One tasty product that has recently been launched is a Diet Coke with Stevia. I, myself have tried it and it is very tasty. It is a great alternative to regular soda or a sweet, carbonated drink you may be craving. You get the zero calories, zero carbs and zero sugar. It also does not contain artificial sweeteners. It is sweetened with stevia extracts and monk fruit. Monk fruit sweetener is an extract of the monk fruit known as the Buddah fruit and comes from China. This natural sweetener also contains calories and is 100 to 200 times sweeter than sugar. Monk fruit sweeteners are also anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous, and contain antioxidants for your body. It is exciting to see large brands starting to use better forms of sweeteners in their products. When looking for this edition of diet coke you have to look for the can that is displayed in the photo below.

Begum, J (2022, September 1). Stevia: Health Benefits and Risks. Retrieved 5/3/2023 from https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/what-is-stevia
Nicolas,H (2018, January 4). Stevia: Health benefits, facts, and safety. Retrieved 5/3/2023 from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/287251#_noHeaderPrefixedContent
Brown, M (2023, February 8). Monk Fruit Sweetner: Good or Bad? Retrieved 5/4/2023 from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/monk-fruit-sweetener#bottom-line
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Fresh Spring Essential Oil Blends for a Diffuser
May 1, 2023
With Spring in full swing, I thought it would be nice to provide some essential oil combinations that can help you to fill your space with some reminders of spring. They may also help to promote relaxation and stress relief.
To promote the sense of fresh flowers in your space, ass to your diffuser
2 Drops of Lavender
1 Drop of Geranium
2 Drops Ylang Ylang
1 Drop Rose
If you want a Garden feel in your space you can add 1 to 2 drops of each listed essential oils
Jasmine or Geranium
Ylang Ylang
If you are looking for a more invigorating blend try
2 Drops of Peppermint
2 Drops of Lemon
2 Drops of Lavender
Also adding an orange essential oil can help for adding an energizing scent to your essential oil blends. Another essential oil blend to give a try for a rainy day scent would be
3 Drops of Lemongrass
3 Drops of Eucalyptus
2 Drops of Lavender
2 Drops of Lemon
If you suffer from seasonal allergies, a great essential oil blend to relieve symptoms is by adding
3 Drops of Peppermint
3 Drops of Lemon
3 Drops of Lavender
You can also add 3 drops of Tea Tree oil as well to assist with allergy relief.I hope that this inspires you to try new combinations with your essential oil diffuser if you have one. If you do not have an essential oil diffuser, maybe you can think about adding one to your space to create a nice, calm, relaxing environment. This can help to promote stress relief and help to benefit your mood in a natural way. Essential oil sprays and diffusers are also a safe, chemical free way to add scent to your space.

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Dry Brushing
April 27, 2023
Dry brushing is a practice that is used to help rejuvenate skin, but more importantly it is used to help the lymphatic system in our bodies. Dry brushing is a massage that is done with a dry brush that has stiff bristles. According to Mayo Clinic, the lymphatic system is part of the bodies immune system. This system is what protects us from diseases and infections. At times this system can get clogged up. This is where methods like dry brushing and lymphatic massage practices come into play. Dry brushing helps to drain excess fluids and detoxifies our bodies.
There was a study of 94 participants that was conducted where one part of the group received 30 minutes of lymphatic drainage massages and the other half did not. In the group that received the messages, they were found to have lower amounts of environmental stress and a sense of overall relaxation (Shim, 2017). The areas found most effective were the neck and abdominal region of the body.
Dry brushing has been found to activate our nervous system as well. Due to this awakening of the nervous system, after dry brushing you may feel invigorated and ready to take on the day. It also helps to increase blood flow and circulation to the body.
Many health professionals suggest that individuals dealing with high stress, anxienty, and depression take on dry brushing as an easy self-care routine. Due to the stress relieaving effects dry brushing has this is a great practice to learn. It also relaves muscle tension. You can also use dry brushing as a mindfulness technique. It is a way to get intune with your body, notice areas you are holding tension and work to release that tension. You also could incorporate deep breathing exercises into this practice.
The best time to dry brush is before getting into the shower or a bath. Below you will see the different types of dry brushes you can use. When you dry brush make sure your skin is dry. Be careful not to brush too rough. Also be aware if you have any open wounds or areas of irritation on your skin. That should be avoided. You start at your feet and brush upwards toward your heart. You do this same motion working up your legs. When you reach your stomach area, take time and brush in a clockwise direction. One you have finished brushing your stomach. Start at either your hands or top of the neck and work your way again towards your heart/chest area. It is important to always brush toward the heart because that is where the lymphatic system drains. In your armpit area it is important to also take time and brush in a clockwise direction. Your neck is also an area of importance where you should focus some more of your time. Brushing down towards your heart. Also remember to dry brush your back. This can get difficult but they make dry brushes with long handles. After you have completed your dry brushing, you can take your shower or bath and that will rinse off any dead skin cells.
When you dry brush you do exfoliate your skin. Dry brushing is an actually less harsh way to exfoliate. The hot water in the shower actually can cause damage to your skin and remove vital fats and oils. Where dry brushing does not do this.
Make sure if you have any questions about your skin or if dry brushing is right for you. Take to your doctor or dermatologist.
Mayo Clinic (2023). Parts of the Immune System. Retrieved 4/26/2023 from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/swollen-lymph-nodes/multimedia/lymphatic-system/img-20007995#:~:text=The%20lymphatic%20system%20is%20part,as%20the%20tonsils%20and%20adenoids.
Shim, Jung-Myo, Yeun, Young-Ran, Ki, Hye-Young, Kim, Sung-Joong (2017, March 22). Effects of manual lymph drainage for abdomen on the brain activity of subjects with psychological stress. Retrieved 4/27/2023 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5361017/

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Grounding & Earthing: How this Benefits Your Health
April 24, 2023
There is a lot of buzz around grounding in mental health and integrative practices. There are various techniques and interventions that surround grounding. Now lets dive into this world of grounding. What I will first discuss is the technique of grounding or earthing which is used to center ones self and reconnect to the earth. We are electicral beings and are nervous sends electrical signals throughout our bodies to function. The earth gives of natural electrical current beneth the surface. Earthing (Grounding) is the act of reconnect your body’s conductive energy to the earths natural surface electrical charge (Menigoz et al, 2020). This method of earthing has been said to bring on great effects to individuals physical and mental health. Many individuals report feeling and looking healthier, having an improved mood, a reduction in inflammation, which can cause a variety of mental and physical health issues. A long with people reporting less pain, sleep improvements, better circulatry function like blood flow and the lymphatic/venour return to the heart (Menigoz et al, 2020).
There are two ways a person can practice grounding. The first is simply connecting to the earth by walking around barefoot in the grass or sand. This creates that electrical connection between you and the earth below. You also can place both your bare hands and feet on the ground. Laying on the ground or sand can also help to ground yourself. Also taking a swim in the ocean or lake is another form of grounding. Make sure to always take the proper percausins when practicing this. Another way that you can practce earthing indoors is by getting a conductive mat, pads, body bands, or patches that you wear while sleeping or sitting (Menigoz et al, 2020). There also is bedding and sheets taht can be used to ground.
The earthing connection helps to restore a fundamental connection we have to the earth that may be lost due to our lifestyles. Many believe that grounding can help reduce various health conditions and chronic illnesses. Most evidence in studies have shown that grouding creates anti-inflammatory results in individuals that practice these techniques.
A study conducted on an elderly individual with a foot wound that would not heal started practicing grounding 30 minutes a day. Within a week the wound began healing and she saw an 80% decrease in pain. There also was in increase in blood circulation in her leg (Menigoz et al, 2020).
In 2019, a study was conducted with body work workers to see if earthing reduced pain, increased mood, sleep quality, and stress reduction, among other factors. During the studies participants filled out questionnaires that reported pain, physical function, anxiety, depression, fatigue, sleep quality, energy levels and their emotional and mental stress (Chevalier et al, 2019). The participants that practived earthing were found to have significant increased in energy and physical functioning, along with their mood. They also had a reduction in fatigue, depression, sleepiness and pain (Chevalier et al, 2019). There were also results that “indivated improvements in inflammatory biomarkers, blood viscosity (how well the blood flows in the veins), and heart rate variability” (Chevalier et al, 2019). This study shows that earthing increases health benefits and overall quality of life.
Another study that was conducted to look at participants that worked out or over used muscles in daily activities to see how earthing would help the healing process of muscles. The study measured the potential for healting qualities through blood tests in participants that participated in earthing and those who did not. The blood samples showed in increase in neutrophil, which is a white blood cell that is essential for our immune systems and fighting infections, in participants that practiced earthing. The samples also showed an increase in eosinophils, which is a white blood cell used to fight disease, it also helps with reduction of inflammation, which was found in the particants that practiced earthing. What this means is earthing is found to have healing elements on our damaged muscles and bodies (Brown et al, 2015). There are still more studies that have to be conducted to solitive the healthy benefits to earthing.
Stuides have shown improvements in mood, depression, and anxiety symptoms, as well as sleep from one hour of grounding/earthing.
When we are on the topic of grounding, there is a popular technique called 5-4-3-2-1 and is used as a self-soothing intervention. This can be used if you are feeling overwhlemed, feeling stressed or having intense anxiety. The purpose of this interventon is for a person to use all five of their senses. You start out saying 5 things you see in the room or area you are in. Then you name 4 things you can feel, this could be fabrics, the wall, any type of texture. After name 3 things you can hear in the area you are in, this could be birds chirping to a plane flying above. Then you will name 2 things you can smell, from perfume to foods, whatever is around you. The last thing you will name is 1 thing you can taste, if its a mint, something sweet or savory, whatever it may be. By the end of this practice you should feel a sense of calm. This will help you to ground yourself in the present and reorient yourself to what is happening right now (University of New Hampshire).
I hope this post gave you some free skills you can use to better both your mental and physical well being. I hope you take what you learned and put it into practice. Get connected to our natural environment and re-centered to feel a sense of calm in your lives.
Chevalier, G, Patel, S, Weiss, L, Chopra, D, and Mills, P (2019, June 15). The Effects of Grounding (Earthing) on Bodyworkers’ Pain and OVerall Quality of Life: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Retrieved 4/20/2023 from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30448083/
Menigoz, W, Latz, T, Ely, R, Kamei, C, Melvin, G and Sinatra, D (2020, June). Integrative and Lifestyle medicine strategies should include Earthing (grounding): Review of research evidence and clinical observations. Retrieved 4/20/2023 from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1550830719305476
Lockett, E (2019, August 30). Grounding: Exploring Earthing Science and the Benefits behind it. Retrieved 4/20/2023 from https://www.healthline.com/health/grounding
Brown, R, Chevalier, G, and Hill, M (2015, September 21). Grounding after moderate eccentric contractions reduces muscle damage. Retrieved 4/20/2023 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4590684/
University of New Hampshire (2023). What is Grounding. Retrieved 4/20/2023 from https://www.unh.edu/pacs/what-grounding

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How Does Color Affect Your Mood?
April 20, 2023
I have heard that color can affect your mood and productivity. I wanted to look into this further to determine what colors are visually appealing to how you feel. There are some holistic approaches to therapy that use color as a treatment method. Color psychology is also used in forms of advertisements. When a business is trying to create a feeling within you, it will advertise with specific colors.
The color red is said to be a color that shows love, energy, and excitement. But studies have shown that the color red can create a flight or fight response in our minds and trigger danger. A study conducted on college students taking a test suggested that students who were exposed to the color red prior to taking their exam, performed the worst (Stecker, 2018). Red has also been shown to hold more negative thoughts.
The color green has been shown to be healing, calming, and related to nature in our minds. The color green has been shown in studies to boost creativity and focus on both word-based and picture based activities (Pichardo, 2021). If you write something down on a green paper or read off of something green, it has been shown to create positive thoughts in your mind. This also makes sense that green has such relaxing and mood boosting effects like those you find being in a green space in nature.
The color blue is another color that seems to affect your mood in a positive way. The color blue is associated with trust, loyalty, and peace (Stecker, 2018). Light hues of blue have been shown to reset our circadian rhythm. Some studies suggest that light blue has positive impacts on your mood and overall well-being in your natural 24-hour cycle known as circadian rhythm (Pichardo, 2021). Research is being done to see how these blues can affect depression and other mood disorders.
Not only does color affect your mood, it can affect the amount of food we consume. Research has suggested that the color of the plate you eat off of and the contrast between your food and the plate can determine how much food you consume. If the color of your plate is a different color contrast from the food, you will likely consume less food.
I hope you learned a little something about color and mood!
Pichardo, G (2021, September 5).How colors can affect you. Retrieved 3/28/2023 from How Colors Can Affect You (webmd.com)
Stecker, S (2018). Color Psychology: The effects of color. Retrieved 3/28/2023 from Mountain Vista Psychology – Color Psychology: The Effects of Color

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Mental Health Disorders that Peak in the Springtime
April 17, 2023
Studies have shown that Springtime is actually difficult for those struggling with mental health, especially mood disorders. Suicide rates are said to be at their yearly peak between the beginning of April until about the end of May (American Behavioral Clinics). According to the National Library of Medicine, symptoms of mania have been found to increase in the Springtime in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
Now what are the theories to why this occurs? Some studies suggest that the increase in sunlight affects the natural circadian rhythm. This is the natural internal clock that regulates sleep, among other things.Our bodies respond to light in a phased response known as Phase Response Curve for Light (PRC). When the timing of our exposure to light changes, our bodies respond differently, especially if you have a mental health diagnosis like Depression or Bipolar Disorder.
“During the onset of spring, the circadian rhythm of a healthy person advances in line with the earlier time of sunrise. On the other hand, in depressed patients with a delayed endogenous circadian rhythm, exposure to bright light early in the morning during the spring delays their circadian rhythm further, since the bright light occurs during the “delay zone” of the PRC for light. The significantly more delayed circadian rhythm is then able to induce a mixed/manic episode or emotional instability, leading to a possible suicide attempt in susceptible individuals.” (Cho and Lee, 2018).
This is important to understand and be aware of that some people may be struggling more than others during this time. Other theories suggest that individuals may use winter as an excuse to isolate themselves and they no longer can use the cold or icy conditions as a way to be isolated. There are also discussions about an increase in different events like weddings, graduations, batisims, among other things that could be triggering to individuals. They also could make a person that is already feeling isolated, feel those feelings (American Behavioral Clinic).
There needs to be further research on why the Springtime is so triggering to mood disorders and overall mental health. Just something to acknowledge and be aware of as we are in the Spring season.
American Behavioral Clinics (2023). Sad in the Spring? What to do when Spring Brings you Showers of Sadness. Retrieved 4/17/2023 from Reverse SAD | Sad in the Spring? What To Do When Spring Brings Showers of Sadness . (americanbehavioralclinics.com)
Cho, C-H, and Lee, H-J (2018, March 16). Why Do Mania and Suicide Occur most often in the Spring? Retrieved 4/17/2023 from Why Do Mania and Suicide Occur Most Often in the Spring? – PMC (nih.gov)

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Want something sweet? Add Raw Honey to your diet
April 6, 2023
Honey is a natural food product that comes from the nectar of flowers that is created by the honeybee. It is a natural sweetener with a ton of health benefits. Honey is a carbohydrate that also contains amino acids, proteins, organic acids, minerals and vitamins (Rahmin et al, 2014). Honey has all nine essential amino acids These nine essential amino acids are aminos that our body needs and cannot produce on their own. We only receive these through our diet. These amino acids are essential for the functioning of our bodies, especially in the brain.
A study was conducted on rats to see what effects honey would have on their brain. One group was fed honey for a year and the other was not. After a year, the group that consumed honey had a reduction in overall anxiety. There also appeared to be an increase in memory (Rahmin et al, 2014). Further research has suggested that honey reduces neuroinflammation, it increases learning, memory, and overall cognitive function, as well as protections against neurotoxins (Rahmin et al, 2014).
Honey has been shown to be a natural antioxidant. This is because of the phytonutrients found in the plant materials honey comes from. This nutrient is found to be antibacterial, antifungal, and immune-boosting. It has also been shown to have anticancer benefits (Goldman, 2022). As discussed above, honey reduces inflammation in the brain. The area it targets is the hippocampus. This is the part of your brain that is associated with memory. This is why honey has been shown to increase memory and overall cognitive performance. These same anti-inflammatory benefits can be seen in the use of honey to soothe a sore throat. Honey has a natural soothing effect that can also be effective for stress management and relaxation. Honey also has probiotics, which are beneficial for a healthy gut.This is essential for mood regulation. Majority of your serotonin is created in your gut, this is your “happy” hormone.
Some things to be aware of with honey is to not give it to an infant. It can be dangerous to a baby that is 1 year old or younger. To guarantee all the benefits that honey can offer, you have to make sure that it truly is a raw, organic honey. Check the label to see if the ingredients include sweeteners or other artificial ingredients. If these are present, that is not a form of raw honey. Another cool fact about honey is that it does not expire. This is a great food that you can keep around that won’t go bad. So next time you are at your local grocery store, come across the organic food section and pick out a raw honey to try. Add it to your diet and start to see the benefits it brings to your mental health.
Rahmin, M, Gan, S, and Khalil, I (2014, April 27). Neurological Effects of Honey: Current and Future Prospects. Retrieved 3/28/2023 from Neurological Effects of Honey: Current and Future Prospects – PMC (nih.gov)
Goldman, R and Clark, C (2023, February 6). 8 Raw Honey benefits for health. Retrieved 3/28/2023 from Raw Honey Benefits and Risks: Healing, Topical Use, Immune Boost (healthline.com)

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Benefits of Exercising Outside
April 3, 2023
By: Kayla Jackson
With the weather getting warmer, I’m sure we’re all itching for a little sunlight throughout the week. However, there are some actual benefits of getting outside, and specifically exercising outside, that might encourage you to put on those hiking shoes and go exploring some nearby trails.
So what exactly are these benefits?
Well, for one, it’s free! No memberships, no problem. You can choose where you want to go, and just go!
The benefits of sunshine throughout our day is actually pretty surprising. The amount of sunlight that enters your eyes is actually correlated with the amount of serotonin produced in your body! Serotonin plays many roles in your body, but among other things it helps by regulating your mood, sleep, and digestion while also encouraging wound healing and bone health. We also absorb vitamin D from the sun, through our skin. The presence of vitamin D in our body can help reduce the impact that depression or depressed emotions have on our day. Plus, who doesn’t love a good suntan?
Along with serotonin, another important neurotransmitter that is created by exercise is norepinephrine. Norepinephrine has actually been shown to reverse some of the negatives effects of stress on your brain. Stress isn’t always bad, but when it’s unregulated it can cause damage to your body and your brain. Finally, being outside has actually been shown to reduce cortisol levels. When your body experiences short-term stress, cortisol helps you manage that stress. However, when that stress becomes long-term stress, that cortisol in your body begins to cause damage to your body systems, and can even lead to issues such as persistent high blood sugar. So what if we add exercise to our daily activities, and we do it outside. We get the added benefits of increased norepinephrine as well as the health benefits of serotonin, vitamin D, and decreased cortisol levels.
In recent studies, it’s also being shown that outdoor air regularly possesses less pollutants than indoor air does, and this even includes large metropolitan areas. So if you’re looking for some fresh air to fill your lungs with, there’s another reason to take your workout outside!
Finally, another benefit of exercising outdoors is that you can take your children, friends, and family members along with you! There’s no age restriction, no membership fees, and no low-noise expectation! So get out, enjoy some sunshine, break a sweat with people you love being around, and reap the benefits of stepping into the sunshine for your next workout.

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Eucalyptus Benefits

Mar 30, 2023
Are you dealing with anxiety and stress in your life? Have you ever considered aromatherapy as a method of coping with this stress and anxiety? You will want to read this post to learn a natural way to help reduce anxiety and stress in your life.
So what is Eucalyptus? Eucalyptus origins are in Australia. It is actually one of the main food sources of Koala bears. It is a tree that derives from the Myrtle family of tree species. Ancient medicine has used different forms of eucalyptus for medicinal purposes. Eucalyptus comes in various forms from the planet leaves itself, leaves for tea, and an oil form. The oil form is toxic to consume and should be avoided for consumption. The only way you should consume eucalyptus is from dried leaves that are within teas. There are also eucalyptus extracts in cough drops, cough syrups, vapors, body creams, toothpastes and mouthwashes. Eucalyptus has been known to heal wounds and kill fungal infections. It has been found to have substances that kill bacteria (Mount Sinai, 2023). Studies have also confirmed that Eucalyptus reduces inflammation in the body (Nakamura et al, 2020). Inflammation can cause issues with mood regulation and attribute to some mental illnesses. I will be discussing the effects of inflammation on the brain in my upcoming course on Integrative Mental Health.
One of the main ways that Eucalyptus is used is through aromatherapy. If you are not in tune with what aromatherapy is, it is a complementary and alternative medicine used for pain management, along with helping to manage symptoms of anxiety, depression, insomnia, and stress-related disorders (Kim et al, 2014). The way that an essential oil is used in aromatherapy is either from respiratory inhalation or through the skin with bath salts and oils or by being massaged into the skin (Kim et al, 2014). When a person inhales essential oils, it sends a signal to the brain and the neurotransmitters that regulate mood disorders, depression, and anxiety, which in turn can activate serotonin and dopamine in your body.
Eucalyptus oil that is used in aromatherapy has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties (Kim et al, 2014). A study was done with patients that were going into surgery. One group was given Eucalyptus oil to inhale prior to their surgery and the other group was not. The study indicated that the group who inhaled the eucalyptus oil prior to surgery had a reduction in anxiety, a lower heart rate and reduction in blood pressure (Kim et al, 2014).
Ways you can add essentials into your life to reduce stress is by getting a diffuser that you add water and drops of the oil, it will create a vapor that fills your room with the scent. Another way to integrate essential oils into your life is by lotions and body oils that have the essential oils infused in them. That way you can massage it into your skin and feel the calming effects on your muscles. You also can get roller balls that have the essential oils in them to place on your pulse points. There are also herbal teas that have eucalyptus leaves in them that are safe to drink.
Another great self-care idea is to create a nice warm bath and add bath salts that are infused with essential oils. I like to use the brand Dr. Teals, I have sensitive skin and the occasional eczema outbreak going on and they do not irritate my skin. When you add these bath salts and soak, it creates immediate relaxation. You will feel your muscles relax and your mind go into a state of calm.
Another way I personally create a spa experience with fresh eucalyptus is by hanging it in the shower from the shower head. This provides not only an aesthetically pleasing visual, it creates the fresh scent of eucalyptus from the oils that are activated by the shower steam. Eucalyptus branches added to your shower experience have been shown to reduce stress and create a sense of calm. It also has been shown by studies to reduce pain and benefit respiratory health. The steam that the eucalyptus creates can also be beneficial to treat sinus congestion and relieving coughs by reducing inflammation and bacteria (Wilson, 2020). You can purchase fresh eucalyptus at your local Trader Joes (that’s where I get it for a few bucks) or a local floral shop.
So next time you are in need of some self-care or are feeling stressed, look into ways in which you can implement eucalyptus to help! Also, if you feel that you have a health condition or any concerns about using aromatherapy or other forms of eucalyptus, consult with your doctor first. They can help you navigate what is best for you.
Wilson, D (2020, May 11). Hanging Eucalyptus in the Shower. Retrieved 3/21/2023 from https://www.healthline.com/health/eucalyptus-in-shower#_noHeaderPrefixedContent
Davidson, K (2019, August 7). 7 Impressive Benefits of Eucalyptus Leaves. Retrieved 3/22/2023 from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/eucalyptus-leaves
Mount Sinai (2023). Eucalyptus. Retrieved 3/27/2023 from https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/herb/eucalyptus
Nakamura, T, Yoshida, N, Yamanoi, Y, Honryo, A, Tomita, H, Kuwabara, H and Kojima, Y (2020, December 20). Eucalyptus oil reduces allergic reactions and suppresses mast cell degranulation by downregulating IgE-FceRI signaling. Retrieved 3/27/2023 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7708995/
Kim, K, Seo, H, Min, S, Park, M, and Seol, G (2014, June 16). The Effect of 1,8-Cineole Inhalation on Preoperative Anxiety: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Retrieved 3/29/2023 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4083598/
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A Reflection After Recent Events in Nashville
Mar 29, 2023
As a colleague reminded me today – In light of recent events, there is no shame in moving slowly this week. Research has shown that exposure to media coverage of mass shootings can produce the same levels of distress symptoms and even post-traumatic stress symptoms as those that experienced the event personally or locally. This is known as secondary or collective trauma.
If you are feeling extra heaviness this week, that is okay. This is your brain telling you that it is healthy and working properly to protect you. As a nation, we’ve experienced high levels of exposure to violence. If you need to move slowly, move slowly, take care of yourself and regroup next week.
Here are links to resources if you need support:
- Office for Victims of Crime
- SAMHSA Tips for Coping With Grief After Community Violence
- NCTSN Resources on Community Violence
Thompson, R. R., Jones, N. M., Holman, A. E., & Cohen Silver, R. (2019, April 17). Media exposure to mass violence events can fuel a cycle of distress. Science Advances, 5(4).DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aav350
Iancu, A., Jaycox, L, Acosta, J. D., Straub, F. G., Iovan, S. Nelson, C., & Abir, M. (2019, July 19). After school shootings, children and communities struggle to heal. Health Affairs. https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/forefront.20190717.855810/full/
Valdez, J. (2022, May 28). You may feel secondary trauma from all the coverage of mass shootings.Therapists discuss ways to cope. Los Angeles Times. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-05-28/from-buffalo-to-uvalde-with-secondary-trauma-of-mass-shootings
Another Article to view about mass shooting and the secondary trauma you, or others may be feeling is linked below
After School Shootings, Children And Communities Struggle To Heal, You may feel secondary trauma from all the coverage of mass shootings. Therapists discuss ways to cope

Blog Spot

Mar 27, 2023
By: Haley Hunt
Exercise. Physicians around the globe recommend and encourage us to get in at least 30 minutes of it at least 5 days out of the week, but why is it so highly recommended by leading medical professionals?
Physical activity and exercise has a wide range of physical benefits, such as:
- Reducing the risk of Heart Disease and Stroke
- Lowering Cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein)
- Reducing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes
- Improving bone health
- Maintaining a healthy weight to prevent obesity
- Reducing blood pressure
All of these factors will be improved if I moderately exercise most days for 30 minutes?? Sign me up! You would think that most individuals would think of this as a no brainer. However, in the United States, the CDC (2020) noted Heart Disease as the number one cause of death with 697,000 people dying from this disease in the year 2020. Heart Disease has been the leading cause of death within the United States since the year 1950 (WOW!). Physical inactivity, obesity, uncontrolled blood pressure, and high cholesterol are all factors that put someone at an increased risk from being diagnosed with Heart Disease.
Do any of those factors look familiar? Yep! All of these can be prevented or kept under control with the help of exercise! It’s important to speak to your health professional to figure out how many days of the week you should exercise and the duration of your activity. Many other factors can play a role in the development of Heart Disease such as diet, genetics, smoking, toxic stress, etc. However, physical activity has been proven to significantly lower the risk and increase protection from getting Heart Disease (Tian & Meng, 2019). Exercise also allows us to reap the physical benefits of reaching a healthy weight, feeling better, living longer, and being able to keep up with the demands of our daily lives, careers, children, and loved ones. Now, let’s talk about mental health…

What about the mental health benefits of exercise?
We’ve talked about the plethora of physical benefits that we can get from exercise, but the mental benefits are equally as important. ENDORPHINS! If you’ve ever finished a workout, you know the feeling that endorphins provide. This euphoric feeling doesn’t happen by chance, but rather our brain is releasing these neurotransmitters in response to the exercise in order to minimize our feeling of pain. Endorphins bind to the same receptors in our brain that some pain medications would bind to (Bruce, 2022). This release of endorphins is extremely energizing and has a positive effect on our mood. Other mental health benefits of exercise include:
- Stress reduction
- Improved confidence and self-esteem
- Improved sleep
- Enhances memory and focus
- Increased motivation
Approximately 13% of Americans 18 years and older regularly took an Antidepressant medication in the year 2018 (Bruce & Gu, 2020). This number, along with the Depression epidemic, is on the rise. There are many factors that can play a role in this increase such as the destigmatization of mental illness, increase in stress, and decrease in social contact due to the COVID-19 pandemic and internet usage. However, recent research has shown that exercise can provide equally as beneficial effects as Antidepressant medication for mild to moderate Depression. A review of research on this effect conducted by Singh et al. (2023) showed that all forms of physical activity studied (aerobic exercise, strength-training, and mixed mode) were effective at managing and improving symptoms of Depression and Anxiety across numerous populations. Moderate to high intensity exercise had the largest benefit on Depression because the intensity is what led to stimulation of neurological and hormonal changes associated with a decrease in Depression such as the increased availability of Serotonin (happy hormone). Strength-training was most effective in decreasing Depressive symptoms, while yoga was most effective in decreasing Anxiety symptoms.
This research provides new findings that significantly improve the field of integrative medicine that aims to combine conventional therapies (medical treatment) and lifestyle changes in order to holistically heal the client’s mind and body. We will have new courses coming soon that will provide an in-depth look at different aspects of integrative mental health!
Exercise can look different for everyone! Whether you walk or run, lift weights or climb mountains, play tennis or kickbox, there are many unique ways to integrate exercise into our lifestyles!
Brody, D. J. & Gu, Q. (2020, September). Antidepressant Use Among Adults: United States, 2015–2018. National Center for Health Statistics. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db377-H.pdf
Bruce, D. F. (2022, April 1). Exercise and Depression. WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/exercise-depression#:~:text=When%20you%20exercise%2C%20your%20body,similar%20to%20that%20of%20morphine.
CDC. (2022, October 14). Heart Disease Facts. https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/facts.htm#:~:text=Coronary%20Artery%20Disease,-Coronary%20heart%20disease&text=About%2020.1%20million%20adults%20age,have%20CAD%20(about%207.2%25).
Singh, B., Olds. T., Curtis, R., Dumuid, D., Virgara, R., Watson, A.,…Maher, C. (2023). Effectiveness of physical activity interventions for improving depression, anxiety and distress: an overview of systematic reviews. British Journal of Sports Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1136/bjsports-2022-106195
Tian, D. &, Meng, J. (2019). Exercise for Prevention and Relief of Cardiovascular Disease: Prognoses, Mechanisms, and Approaches. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/3756750. PMID: 31093312; PMCID: PMC6481017.
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Living a Minimalist Lifestyle
Mar 23, 2023
In the last few years the term Minimalist lifestyle or living a minimalist lifestyle have been popularized, especially among some celebrities. I wanted to further explore this type of lifestyle and how it can benefit your mental well being.
From what I have gathered a minimalist lifestyle is a fluid definition that can be defined in many different ways. Some say that it is a lifestyle change that focuses on eliminating distractions or things/people that no longer serve a meaningful purpose for you. Others say that it is the pursuit of happiness through life itself and not through possessions. It also can be when a person only has what they need and not extra clutter or possessions that are not useful to them. One of the most famous minimalists is Mahatma Gandhi, who stated “Living simply, so that others may simply live”. What Gandhi means by this is not only is living a minimalist lifestyle beneficial for oneself, it actually has benefits to others and the environment. We are not over consuming or wasting resources that can harm the environment or that others may be in need of (Rathour, 2021).
There have not been many studies conducted on the benefits of minimalist living. There has been some research that suggests that living in a space that is cluttered can cause higher levels of anxiety and your brain can also feel cluttered and not clear. A study that was conducted with individuals living in various first world countries that begin living a minimalist lifestyle. The results of this study showed that the individuals that adapted the minimalist lifestyle felt a sense of freedom and authenticity. They found that people had a feeling of control over their environment, which created less stress and anxiety. They also identified in having more mental capacity, time to reflect internally and externally. Which also resulted in an increase of mindfulness and positive emotions like joy and peacefulness (Lloyd, 2020).
Having a cluttered environment can cause an increase in cortisol levels (stress hormone), it also can make your brain less effective in processing things, which can make you more prone to frustration (Clark, 2021). It is safe to say that decluttering your spaces can be mentally beneficial to your health. If you want your mind to be more at ease and peaceful, maybe start by getting rid of things you may not need anymore. Really embrace that Spring cleaning this year!
Clark, M (2021, May 20). How decluttering your space could make you healthier and happier. Retrieved 3/23/2022 from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/how-decluttering-your-space-could-make-you-healthier-and-happier/art-20390064
Lloyd, K and Pennington, W (2020, February 16). Towards a theory of minimalism and wellbeing. Retrieved 3/22/2023 from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41042-020-00030-y
Rathour, A and Mankame, G (2021). Decluttering the Future: An Analysis of Indian Minimalism. Retrieved 3/16/2023 from https://ijpsl.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Decluttering-the-Future-An-Analysis-of-Indian-Minimalism_Aastha-Rathour-Gunita-Mankame.pdf

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Declutter Your Mind
Mar 20, 2023
In light of the first day of Spring, I think it is important to talk about Spring Cleaning and specifically decluttering your mind. One of the best ways to declutter your mind is through journaling. When your mind is flooded with thoughts, it is helpful to take time to write these thoughts down. You can also use guided journals or specific journal prompts to assist you in this process.
Journal prompt examples
- What is going on in your mind? Brain dump everything. (Brain dumps are very effective for decluttering, just write what you feel, are thinking, really whatever is going on. You can do this in list format, paragraph form, or whatever feels right for you. It doesn’t need to be organized)
- What tasks seem to never get done?
- What is something stressing you out right now? Be specific.
- Write down things you feel out of control with. Then with each thing you feel out of control about, write down one way you can feel more in control.
- Write a list of affirmations to say to yourself.
Along the lines of writing. Keeping a planner either in paper form or if you are more techy on your phone or computer to write down tasks, meetings, and appointments can help destress and declutter your mind. You also don’t have to worry about missing something or having to remember all that you have going on.
Another key to decluttering your mind is actually decluttering your space. According to the Mayo Clinic, “a cluttered environment can make your brain less effective at processing information — and more prone to frustration.” By creating less clutter in your space, it will help you feel less anxious and allow your mind to focus and process information instead of focusing on the mess.
Practicing Self-Reflection is another important factor to decluttering your mind. Take a couple minutes of your day to reflect on how your day is going and how you feel. You can work through thoughts that are weighing you down. Also occasionally take time to reflect on the bigger picture of your life. What I mean by this is to reflect on where you are at in your life and how different relationships, activities, and various factors in your life are affecting you. Reflect on how these things are making you feel and what changes you would like to see. You can also use this time to set new goals for yourself.
Mindfulness practice also helps you to declutter your mind and live in the moment. Take some time out of your day to focus on your five senses. Clear your mind (as hard as that sometimes can be) and focus on what you hear, what you see, how you are feeling, or if you can smell a particular smell. Embrace the moment and become fully immersed.
These are some examples of ways that help you to declutter your mind. The benefits for putting these things into practice is it can first and foremost put your mind at ease. You will reduce your anxiety levels. It also brings us mental clarity and sharpens our focus. When we have less chaotic thoughts and have a sense of organization we can focus on the tasks at hand. It also is suggested that if you declutter, the visual of a decluttered space boosts energy levels in your brain. With this boost of energy, you become more productive on the tasks you need to accomplish (Beckwith, 2022).
Clark, M (2021, May 20). How decluttering your space could make you healthier and happier. Retrieved 3/6/2023 from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/how-decluttering-your-space-could-make-you-healthier-and-happier/art-20390064
Beckwith, A and Parkhurst, E (2022, July 1). The Mental Benefits of Decluttering. Retrieved 3/8/2023 from https://extension.usu.edu/mentalhealth/articles/the-mental-benefits-of-decluttering

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Leafy Greens for Cognitive Function
Mar 16, 2023
Leafy greens have been linked to better cognitive function and memory. There was a study published in 2018 by the American Academy of Neurology that looked at 960 participants ages 58-99 years old. They had various assessment tools and questionnaires to determine the variables for their study. What they found was the individuals with the highest daily intake of greens, which averaged 1.3 servings daily, their cognitive decline was slowed. It was the equivalent of 11 years younger. These results concluded that if you consume a daily serving of greens, which is 2 cups, “and foods rich in phylloquinone, lutein, nitrate, folate, α-tocopherol, and kaempferol may help to slow cognitive decline with aging” (Morris et al, 2018).
Leafy greens that are packed with nutrients like vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta carotene that help with cognitive function are kale, broccoli, spinach, collards (Harvard Health). Some other nutritious greens options are romaine lettuce, chard, bok choy, and arugula to list a few more options.
Folate is a vitamin found in leafy greens, some fruits, nuts and seeds. It is the natural form of vitamin B9. Folate has been found to help with mood disorders like depression and bipolar. It also has had positive impacts on schizophrenia and chronic fatigue. As well as the onset of dementia (Naidoo, 2021). Folate also benefits neurotransmitter function that controls your mood. Leafy greens also benefit your gut health since they are a source of fiber. This is important for reduction of inflammation in the body, nutrient absorption and overall mood regulation in your brain.
As you can see, leafy greens are essential for cognitive functioning! I hope this can inspire you to get your daily dose of greens. I provided a recipe below to make yourself a green drink for St. Patrick’s day!
Morris, M, Wang, Y, Barnes, L, Bennett, D, Dawson-Huges, B and Boothm, S (2018, January 16). Nutrients and bioactives in green leafy vegetables and cognitive decline. Retrieved 3/15/2023 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5772164/
Harvard Health Publishing (2021, March 6). Food linked to better brain power. Retrieved 3/15/2023 from https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/foods-linked-to-better-brainpower
Naidoo, U (2021, August 27). Leafy Greens: The Ultimate Brain Food. Retrieved 3/15/2023 from https://www.crossfit.com/essentials/leafy-greens-the-ultimate-brain-food
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Green Pina Colada Smoothie
Mar 16, 2023
1 cup Coconut Milk – you can use light coconut milk as well
1 cup Fresh Spinach
1 Banana (Ripe) preferably frozen
1 to 1 ¼ cups of Pineapple chunks frozen
Optional Additions
2 Tablespoons of shredded coconut
1-2 Tablespoons of Agave Nectar or Honey
1. Add the liquid ingredients first into a blender then add the frozen and solid ingredients to the blender. You can then add the Agave or Honey for a natural sweetener.
2.Blend until smooth.
3.Pour in glass and serve. Add a garnish of a tropical flower or pineapple to the glass rim to add a little tropical flare.
The smoothie can be stored in the refrigerator for two days. You can also pour the smoothie into molds for a popsicle to freeze for later enjoyment!

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Daylight Savings & Mental Health

Mar 13, 2023
As many of you know, daylight savings time is the second Sunday of March each year, we also experience daylight savings in November. Since daylight savings just occurred, I was wondering what effects this has on our mental health?
First I wondered why we have daylight savings. Most research suggests that the origin of daylight savings time occurred during World War 1. It was created to take advantage of natural life and limit fuel usage on electricity. The Uniform Time Act of 1966 created the official standard use of daylight savings time in the United States. There have been changes over the years to when the times change and for how long.
Now how are we affected? Research suggests the Spring-time daylight savings has more effects on us then fall time. The people most affected are people with early start times, night owls, and adolescents. Our cells track time and this disturbance of the circadian rhythm (our internal clock) causes overall stress within our mind, which creates sleep disturbances, disorientation and memory loss (Takahashi, 2020). There are short term increases in stroke, depression, and surprisingly fatal car accidents. With the circadian rhythm being disrupted, sleep duration and quality worsen after the Spring daylight savings and this can affect performance and productivity (Johnson & Malow, 2022).
I think it is safe to say that during these transitions of switches in time it is important to take time out for self-care so you can let your mind and body transition to the changes smoothly. Also don’t be hard on yourself if you are feeling less productive or have less energy, you can blame it on daylight savings time changes.
Johnson, K and Malow, B (2022, September 30th). Daylight Savings Time: Neurological and Neuropsychological Implications. Retrieved 3/6/2023 from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40675-022-00229-2
Ahmed, S (2022, March 15th). Why and when the US started changing the clock. Retrieved 3/6/2023 from https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/15/us/daylight-saving-time-history-trnd/index.html
Takahashi, J (2020, October 29). Why daylight savings might be bad for your brain health. Retrieved 3/6/2023 from https://utswmed.org/medblog/daylight-saving-time-sleep-health/

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Seasonal Depression
What is seasonal depression?
Seasonal depression is actually not a unique diagnosis from Major Depressive Disorder, it actually is its own criteria for depression that has seasonal patterns (Melrose, 2015). The diagnosis is referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. Some commonalities with SAD are that there is a depressed period in the seasons of Fall and Winter. Whereas in the Spring and Summer the symptoms of depression do not appear or as harshly as it does in the Fall and Winter months (Sher, 2000). The changes in season can affect mood, appetite, food choices, sleep, among other things. There may also be a change in socialization, meaning a person may become less social and withdrawn during the colder months (Sher, 2000).
What makes someone more susceptible to SAD?
Living in climates where parts of the year there is a decrease in sunlight. When there is a lack of sunlight it can create an alteration in the concentration of essential hormones like melatonin and serotonin levels (Munir & Abbas, 2022). Due to the lack of sunlight in winter months serotonin levels in the body can become deficient. Serotonin helps to regulate mood. It needs Vitamin D to help activate the hormone (Munir & Abbas, 2022).
There also becomes an increased level of melatonin in the body when there is a lack of sunlight. Melatonin is a hormone that helps to create relaxation, fatigue, and ultimately helps you sleep.
Women and Elderly populations are more susceptible to developing SAD due to a higher lack of inactivity. It also has been found that populations living at higher altitudes experience higher levels of SAD (Munir & Abbas, 2022).
What are treatment options?
There are a variety of treatment options for SAD. I would first talk to your doctor before pursuing any treatment options for SAD so you can find out which would work best for you. One of the most effective treatment options is light therapy. Dr. Sawchuck, a psychologist from the Mayo clinic suggests using a 10,000-lux light box or lamp within the first hour of waking up for 20-minutes (Howland, 2022). Light therapy has been known to provide a person with a better mood and sleep. It overall eases the symptoms of SAD. Dr. Sawchuck suggests continuing light therapy into the spring or until symptoms ease up (Howland, 2022).
Other effective forms of treatment are increasing exercise or movement. This can increase levels of endorphins in the body (happy hormones). Another way to increase endorphins is through meditation.
Increasing vitamin D is also a way to help treat SAD. Either through a supplement (which I would talk to your doctor about) or a nice hike outside when the sun is out, if it isn’t too cold. There are other treatments for SAD by prescription antidepressants and hormone therapy that again would be something to figure out between you and your doctor.
Sher, L (2000, January). Seasonal Affective Disorder and seasonality: A review. Retrieved 2/22/2023 from https://jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1421&context=jeffjpsychiatry
Melrose, S (2015, November 25). Seasonal Affective Disorder: An overview of assessment and treatment approaches. Retrieved 2/22/2023 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4673349/
Munir, S and Abbas, M (2022, March 26). Seasonal depressive disorder. Retrieved 2/22/2023 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK568745/
Howland, J (2022, December 7). Mayo Clinic Minute: Light therapy can help with seasonal affective disorder. Retrieved 2/22/2023 from https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-minute-light-therapy-can-help-with-seasonal-affective-disorder/
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Beating Winter Blues
- Aerobic Exercise – Exercise increases endorphins in the body. Aerobic exercises specifically help the body increase serotonin levels by increasing tryptophan (the amino acid that creates serotonin) ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.
- Types of aerobic exercises are
- Biking
- Running/Jogging
- Swimming
- Cycling
- Elliptical
- Rowing
- Jump Roping
- Dancing
- Walking/Hiking – This is a lower impact form of aerobic exercise. Walking or hiking outdoors when the sun is out will help to increase your mood, as well as expose you to the light in darker, winter months.
- Sleep hygiene is important to help with winter blues or seasonal depression. Making sure to get enough sleep, which I know can be hard with busy schedules, is essential to better mental health. Your body functions on a circadian rhythm. These are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that occur in a 24-hour cycle (NIGMS). When we throw that off by lack of sleep or routine, it can cause issues with our mood and mental health.
- Keeping Warm There are many studies that suggest heat and keeping warm helps to treat depression. Increasing the body temperature has been shown to activate the body’s immune response, which inturn can reduce inflammation (Mischoulon, 2017). So drink a hot drink, cuddle up in a blanket, or get active and practice hot yoga. There are many choices to stay warm in the cold months.
- Eating Healthy has been found to benefit your mental wellness. The foods you choose do affect your mood. Foods rich in Omega-3 like salmon, walnuts, and edamame to name a few will help to increase Omega-3, which inturn are known to help combat depression.
- Seeking Help if none of lifestyle changes help to reduce symptoms of seasonal depression (SAD) you should seek help through therapy and your doctor. A therapist can provide you with interventions that will help decrease SAD. One method of therapy that has shown success in treating SAD is light therapy. (Check out our blog on SAD to learn more). Your doctor can also prescribe antidepressants or other prescribed medications that can help you with your symptoms.
Check out courses HERE that could help you in your healing journey.
Cleveland Clinic (2023). Aerobic Exercise. Retrieved 2/23/2023 from https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/7050-aerobic-exercise
Sharma, A and Madaan, V (2006). Exercise for Mental Health. Retrieved 2/22/2023 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1470658/
Mischoulon, D (2017, October 12). Heat: A new approach to treat Depression? Retrieved 2/27/2023 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6519523/#:~:text=It%20has%20been%20suggested%20that,a%20febrile%20response%20(3).
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (2023). What are circadian rhythms? Retrieved 2/22/2023 from https://nigms.nih.gov/education/fact-sheets/Pages/circadian-rhythms.aspx#:~:text=%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8BWhat%20are%20circadian,the%20study%20of%20circadian%20rhythms.

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Neuroscience of Mindfulness
Hi! My name is Kayla and I wanted to talk to you a bit about the Neuroscience of Mindfulness and meditation. I know sometimes there can be some skepticism surrounding certain mental health practices, and that can make it really hard to get on board with things like mindfulness practices, yoga, meditation, etc.
So, let’s take some time to look at what brain scans and science is actually finding in response to meditation and mindfulness.
We’re so lucky to be living in a time where we can actually watch the inner workings of the brain AS individuals are doing certain tasks. Most people have heard of an MRI machine, or a Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine. But one that’s a little less common is an fMRI, or a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine. Instead of just a photo of your brain and brain regions, as the MRI produces, this fMRI machine will actually show video of the activity that’s happening within the brain during the scan.
fMRI machines have been helping researchers understand brain activity, functioning, and inner-workings for a while now. In fact, they’re showing some very interesting outcomes of meditation and mindfulness practices.
The first thing to note is that the brain, a muscle, is actually capable (like other muscles in our body) to sustain physical changes that can actually alter its function. This is called neuroplasticity and helps us understand that physical and mental activities can serve to change the physical makeup of our brains. This being said, meditation has shown physical changes in reducing (and possibly even preventing) thinning of the frontal cortex (the lobe right behind your forehead). Thinning of this lobe is the primary cause of age related memory decline.
Individuals who practiced 8 or more weeks of mindfulness practices were observed to actually INCREASE their brain matter in the following areas:
Hippocampus (responsible for learning, memory storage, spatial orientation, and regulation of emotions)
Temporoparietal Junction (responsible for empathy and compassion)
And a DECREASE the:
Amygdala (responsible for fight/flight stress responses)
So what’s actually happening during meditation? There’s an aspect of your brain called the Default Mode Network (DMN) which is activated when your mind is at rest. This is the exact opposite of the Task-Positive Network (TPN) which is activated when your mind is performing tasks. They both play very important roles in our lives, and we need both of them. One unique thing about these two networks is that they cannot operate simultaneously. It’s like a light switch – when one is activated, the other has to be deactivated.
Activation of the DMN is responsible for things like self-referential thinking and rumination. It also includes activation of the Amygdala, which is responsible for your stress response, and can be seen in conjunction with mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. This area of our brain is interested mainly in thinking about the past and planning for the future – which draws attention away from the present, and can cause feelings of guilt over past experiences, or anxiety over upcoming things like tests or social interactions.
However, the TPN is focused on the present moment; the here-and-now. Because only one of these networks can be activated at any one time, activation of the TPN eliminates thoughts and emotions linked with past and future anxieties, and helps individuals focus on the moment at hand. How are you feeling at this moment? What does the sun feel like? How does the air smell? What does your food taste like?
These questions bring about a mindfulness that will help activate your TPN and turn off all those thoughts of worry and regret that swirl around our brains all too often.
So what does this look like when practiced consistently over a long period of time? Further psychological effects that have been noted in response to consistent mindfulness practices include:
Sustained Positive Emotion
Recovery from Negative Emotions
Prosocial Behavior & Generosity
Increased Mindfulness (TPN) & Decreased Mind-Wandering (DMN)
To wrap this all up, it’s easy to see that mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga are incredibly beneficial to our brains. After all, our brains are a muscle, just like our other muscles, and it needs to be exercised regularly in order to function in a way that’s most helpful to us in our daily lives. If we learn to activate our TPN throughout the majority of our days, instead of relying on our default DMN to take over whenever we aren’t actively completing a task, we could find that we experience all kinds of positive changes in our emotions, thoughts, and outlook on life.
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Meditation: A Vacation for your Mind?

The National Center for Health Statistics (2018) noted a 10% increase in meditation practice in individuals aged 18 years and older between the years 2012 and 2017. This puts 14.2% of this age range practicing meditation in 2017! There’s obviously been a boom in the meditation industry and its popularity is only climbing…Is it worth all of the hype?
Meditation can be seen as a holistic approach to easing anxiety, worry, and stress. It highlights the connection between our mind and physical body. Meditation takes us past our thoughts and lets us enter a deeper sense of relaxation and calmness. There has been quite a bit of research focused on the benefits of practicing meditation on our mental health and physical well-being. Some benefits of meditation include:
- Building stress-management skills
- Enhancing your self-awareness
- Enhancing creativity and imagination
- Decreasing negative emotions
- Lowering blood pressure
- Better sleep
Meditation can be used as an alternative therapy replacing conventional medical approaches, or as a complementary therapy used alongside medical treatment. For example, meditation is sometimes used as an alternative to medication in individuals with chronic pain. This is not to say that you must have a medical or mental health diagnosis to practice meditation. Anyone can use it! There is clearly great diversity in the use of meditation practice.
The ancient history of meditation dates back to its origin in India thousands of years ago. The earliest form of meditation was seen in spiritual traditions and practices in Hinduism and Buddhism (Mead, 2019). The practice of meditation has since been adapted from spiritual practice to include many types, with each type having a different technique and goal. Meditation can be tailored to your needs and personal goals, but the overall objective of practicing meditation is to reduce stress, find a sense of balance in your busy life, and attain inner peace. A few different types of meditation include:
- Mindfulness Meditation (focusing on the “here and now”
- Mantra Meditation (includes verbalizing repetitive sounds such as “om”)
- Loving-Kindness Meditation (focuses on giving/receiving compassion to ourselves & others)
- Movement Meditation (such as tai chi or qi gong)
- Focused Meditation (utilizing your five senses)
The most popular form of meditation is mindfulness meditation. Research conducted on this type of meditation with healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic found that mindfulness meditation, when practiced consistently, can increase resilience in overcoming adverse challenges (Philippe et al., 2021). This type of meditation can be self-guided and the main goal is to bring our minds to the present moment without judgment. While the length of meditation time varies, 10-20 minutes is typical. The first step to beginning meditation is finding a quiet, comfortable place away from any stress-inducing distractions. It is important to find a comfortable seated position, whether that be on a yoga mat, couch, chair, or on the floor. It doesn’t have to be fancy! Deep, even-paced breathing is crucial to gaining a sense of relaxation. Because of the popularity of mindfulness meditation, there are thousands of guided meditations that are at our fingertips with a quick Google search. Whether you listen to a tranquil video guiding you through it or take a live class with an instructor, the benefits are the same.
If you are looking for a more intensive and individualized mental health treatment involving the use of meditation…look no further! There is a specific evidence-based practice known as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) where the therapist or mental health professional (MHP) will deliberately utilize meditation and other mindfulness techniques to help the client learn how to make thoughtful decisions based on their “wise mind,” which is a balance between the “emotion mind” and “reason mind.” This technique can help clients learn to live in the moment, rather than worrying about events in the past or future. Our agency, the American Academy of Mental Health, provides a wonderful in-depth course about this connection between mindfulness skills and the therapeutic practice of DBT. If you are interested in learning more, this course can be viewed and purchased on our website. While you’re on our website, check out the other DBT courses that we have to offer! Increase your mindfulness skills HERE!
The good thing about meditation is that it can be practiced anywhere and by anyone! It’s accessible and can provide immediate results. It may take a few tries to get the hang of it. With our busy schedules, it can be difficult to find a quiet space to meditate and allow ourselves to let go of our anxious thoughts, worries, and the mental list of things we need to get done. However, allowing ourselves space and time to relax and wind down can benefit our mental health significantly in the long run. You may feel great after meditating once, but the best results are seen when it is done on a routine basis.
Relax, unwind, and take a mental vacation. You deserve it!
Philippe, R. A., Schwab, L., & Biasutti, M. (2021). Effects of Physical Activity and Mindfulness on Resilience and Depression During the First Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.700742
Mead, E. (2019, May 27). The History and Origin of Meditation. Positive Psychology. https://positivepsychology.com/history-of-meditation/
National Center for Health Statistics. (2018). Use of Yoga, Meditation, and Chiropractors among U.S. Adults aged 18 and over. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db325-h.pdf